8 | made a devil

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🎵 Devil - CLC

= I tried to be so polite, but why do you keep bothering me? It means nothing to me to put an end to you. I'm a truly cruel devil that you'll never know from the outside. =


I was slightly taken aback at that. Not because I wasn't expecting his question but because I haven't actually found the answer to it myself. "Do you like him?" Jaehyun asked the second time when I didn't answer. I tried to control my expression in case my nervousness gave away.

"No," I quickly denied.

This answer was a reminder to myself because I can't possibly fall for someone I've known for only three days. "I'm just a little bit curious. Like you say, I don't get close to anyone so I just wanted to figure out that part a little more." I bluffed.

My good feeling towards Jongdae is a temporary attraction so far but it can't justify that I like him.

But Jaehyun kept shaking his head, "everything you're saying is so unlike you. I mean, you don't ever give a damn about other people."

I rolled my eyes at him. "That's so exaggerating, I'm not that bad."

"I'm not exaggerating, you are that bad," he chuckled after me. "Since day one I've known you, you're like a little devil. Just not evil enough to be a bully, and not kind enough to be an angel."

I rolled my eyes again and snorted. "To be kind is to be cunning. People only act that way because they want something out of it. I'm just being true to myself."

Then I got reminded of Jongdae. I insist that cunning doesn't apply to him, even though he was always kind to me. He was a beautiful exception.

Jaehyun shook his head again sighing along, "you always say that. When will I ever see a Jisoo with a halo on top?"

"Mm... never?" I smiled and blinked fakely.

We joked for a bit more until Jaehyun asked again. "But seriously," he dropped his smile. "Who is the guy?"


I wish I could emphasise how slowly five days of school passed. Every day, Jaehyun came bugging me about the mystery guy that I never told him. My lips were sealed tight. In every lesson, I either daydream or think about music, dance, rapping, and a lot of the time... Jongdae.

Today was finally Friday and we were going for our last lesson before celebrating TGIF. I was excited to return to SM in the evening because I looked forward to the next trainee project and who knows, maybe I'll get to meet Jongdae again.

Did I mention that our last lesson was physical education? Because yay me, it's the only class I actually enjoy. While my classmates were all prepared and out of the girl's locker, I took my sweet time changing into my sports attire alone, expecting some peace until I heard some other girls talking. I peeked past my locker and saw three girls surrounding one. The lone one looked pretty much like a victim, and I think I might just be witnessing a bullying situation right now. I took a closer look at the victim, but nope, I didn't know her. Even if I did... it wasn't my problem.

"Did you just stare at me?" The lead girl spoke dauntingly. I started watching from the sidelines. The trio reminded me of the powerpuff girls and she seemed like a Blossom, but the evil version. Buttercup with the bob haircut was on her right and Bubbles was on her left.

They were stabbing their fingers at her and cornering her until she hit the wall. Buttercup snatched her sports clothes out of her hands and threw them in the mopping pail of water that was conveniently there. I completely rolled my eyes at her action because that was just thoughtless and inconsiderate. I thought I would only see these scenes in dramas but they do happen in real life after all.

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