16 | rumour

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🎵 Maria - HWASA

= Everyone's trying so hard to hate me. If you break me down, does that feed you? I don't have the strength to be angry and I don't have the time. What's so upsetting for you? Just go on your way. =


Feeling grouchy, I jerked up from the bench that I was lying in and shot Jaehyun a death stare. He raised up the book he was reading to cover his face, revealing only his eyes sheepishly. We ended up at a comic book cafe called Better Comics, a place where people could read, eat, drink, or take naps at your own space, but clearly the naps weren't working out for me.

It's been four hours since we got here and I barely got to sleep. Though I had a cushion bench to sleep on, I kept couldn't fall asleep thanks to the distraction around us. I had forgotten that this was partly a cafe, and many customers come and go. From time to time, I heard glasses clinking, people talking, and occasionally, some bursts of laughter. I was so paranoid that I eventually flared up to the sound of Jaehyun flipping a book page.

He hid his face behind the book again when I cast him another nasty look, knowing that he should be guilty for bringing me here. Dang right he'd better be apologetic.

"No more next time," I hissed at him right after we left Better Comics. It was 5 pm soon and I had to drop by home to get my camp bag before making my way to SM.

"Come on," Jaehyun replied, studying my face seriously. "Pandas are cute too."

I wanted to hit him but he was quicker to dodge it. "Jackass, come here!" I demanded, and chased after him with my palm wide open.


As an apology, Jaehyun accompanied me to SM carrying my bag for me. This time, I packed a shitload of clothes and self-care amenities to prepare for the two-week training camp. And it was heavy enough to get a lean guy like Jaehyun complaining about the weight every other minute.

When I was back at SM myself, I scanned the main hall in search of a familiar face. Day 0 of our training camp was about to start but I couldn't get excited like before. Must be the fatigue.

"Jisoo! Over here!" Lia waved up high. I spotted her and Hera easily, waved back, and ran towards them with my heavy duffle bag.

"Aye," I exhaled, dropping the weight off my shoulder and letting it thud before dropping to the ground myself.

"The camp hasn't even started but you sound dead," Hera said.

I sank half my face in one hand and sighed more. "Don't remind me, some jerk ruined my one and only chance to sleep."

"Jerk who~" Hera teased.

"Just a good friend," I waved it off but Hera didn't seem convinced.

"I don't think so~" She kept smiling.

"Jesus," Lia wondered out loud, approaching me to take a better look at my face. "Your eye circles are really dark. Or did you get punched?"

"Nobody got punched, Lia," I cracked up a little. "I've been a hardworking student in the past week. But my exams are over now so I'm finally waiting to graduate," I proudly announced.

"Omo," Hera shifted towards me, reaching out for a handshake and giggled. "Congrats, you're soon to be unemployed."


At 6 pm sharp, all of us hopped on the company bus that would take us to our training base. I can't believe I actually thought the camp would involve pitching tents and circling around a campfire. Boy was I naive because it turned out to be way better than that.

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