1 | persona non grata

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= I'd rather be selfish. It's a hundred times better than pretending to be nice and getting hurt. =

A/N: A warm hello and welcome to you!! 😊 This is a much needed introductory chapter into Jisoo's life so if you're waiting for some gentleman to appear... relax, he'll come when the time is right. 😉 

Enjoy reading!


This is it. My moment, my first stage, and a day I will remember forever...

This is my debut.

I crutched below the stage and waited for the platform to hoist me up. Just a few seconds more I would rise into the spotlight. The crowd was cheering my name and I knew that this was my starting pitch of fame. With this stage, I was ready to create my best impression and make the audience become my true fans. This was just the beginning.

My dream, to be Asia's most inspirational k-pop artist and I am about to live it.

I want people to take one look at me and recognise me for who I am, to be more than the average, and have everyone love me for me. I smiled to myself with the perfect future drafted in mind, hoping and believing that one day, it would all come true.

"Jisoo! Get ready, you're gonna be up in 5!" One of the guy crew voiced out to me. I stood in position, briefly adjusting my hair and waited for the next cue. "You hear me?" He asked. I nodded my head, barely containing my excitement for what's about to come.

This is it, it's really it.

"Jisoo! I said get up!" The guy crew sounded annoyingly, making me frown back.

His voice was strangely familiar, and what's with the change of attitude?

I looked down to check that I was standing at the right platform. It should hoist me up on stage by now. Why wasn't that guy doing his job?

"I'm ready!" I replied back, searching for him but he wasn't there anymore. My heart pounded faster as I changed focus back to the crowd chanting my name...

'Kim Jisoo! Kim Jisoo! Kim Jisoo! Kyahhhhh!'




"YA! Kim Jisoo!" His voice roared into my ears and startled me.

"I'M READY!" I jumped up blurting.

Blinking, I stared straight into the air and was utterly confused at the new environment. It turned immensely silent. Everything was different from before, from the dark to bright white lighting, the sensation of my dry throat and... people's eyes on me. My eyes hopped from one person to another and they were staring right back at me. Hold on, these people aren't my fans, and this isn't the stage.

This is my classroom.

Holy cow.

"Ms. Kim," my math teacher, Ms. Ryu said to me. She was standing by my desk glancing back at me and wearing a fake smile. "Did you have a good dream?" She asked with great sarcasm, and soft giggles from the others filled the room.

I quickly wiped away what felt like dried saliva around my mouth and combed my hair, completely conscious of the mess I was for waking up so abruptly. In the middle of class. With all attention on me.

Damn it, so embarrassing.

The first to blame was the culprit who scared me up from my sleep, and my first instinct was to whip my head to the left. To find the dude sitting a desk beside me, arm on the table to support his head. He was smiling cheekily at me and trying his best to hold in his laughter when tears were already oozing out of his eyes. He, by the name of Jaehyun, has been my close buddy for two years now.

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