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I suggest you to listen to the song mentioned above 'cause that's my ultimate inspiration to write this short story



Only one person could answer his questions. Without any further delay he rushed to the residence of Kim Namjoon.


"Don't worry, I'll handle it Hoseok. Bye." The man cut the call and turned around to find those same bloodshot eyes he had encountered a few months ago. But this time something in them seemed different. They didn't blaze with the revulsion and lustful hunger he remembered to have encountered with, rather they shone with helplessness and agonizing affliction, something which was out of his expectation.

"You knew, didn't you?" His voice was hoarse and almost inaudible, as if he was continuously being choked.

"It'll be okay. We'll figure this out." The man looked at him sympathetically before realisation hit him that he was low-key covered in blood.

"You couldn't figure out then. How do you expect to make things right now?" He had completely drowned in despair.

"Taehyung, what have you-"

"I killed Jin......" He stated with an emotionless expression. "..........with my own hands. I am a monster."

"No, Taehyung! Don't give in. You need to fight. You didn't know that you-"

Namjoon was cutoff as Taehyung now blurted in an emotionless voice, "Have access to multiverse. You think I didn't know?"

"What?" Namjoon asked as confusion hovered on him.

"Why do you think that I gave that note to Hobi hyung that day?"

Namjoon drove into deep thought before the mist of confusion cleared.

"So that he would bring me to you for help!" Taehyung blurted desperately as his eyes shone with tears, threatening to fall down. "What have you done?" He screamed making Namjoon flinch.

"I did save you."

"No, you just saved your own reality and let the other ones collapse?" He cried out the words as an endless stream of tears flowed from his eyes.

"That's not in our hands Taehyung." He tried his best to sound persuasive but the man only looked down as he tried his best to stop his fountain of tears.

"Right. I should've never expected so much from you." His voice cracked as the words flowed from his tear stained mouth.

"Taehyung! We tried our best but you should also remember the person from whom you're trying to run is you yourself."

"You're right. But who made me turn my back on me? Who made me forget myself? Who lied...........that I was gonna be okay?" He shouted while progressing towards the man. "It was you all! You knew very well that it wasn't gonna work. But you were scared. And that's why you didn't even let me fight it. And now he's gonna take me down too."

"What are you saying?" Namjoon knew what he had meant but he didn't want to believe it.

"This is the last remaining universe. After taking over me, he'll be free to roam around in all the realities in the multiverse, switching from one Taehyung to another. Yes! It's real! The theory of parallel universe exists." Namjoon was horrified by the words which he never wanted to listen even in his worst nightmare.

"I'm the same me, but your overgrown lie will gulp me down."

"No, i-it can't be! W-we can fix this." Namjoon stuttered as he tried to get a hold of Taehyung.

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