"Your friend, Taehyung, has multiple personalities."

"Personality disorder?"

"We thought that too. But in his case, it's not a disorder. In fact, I doubt that he's not a psychiatric patient at all."

"Then how does this makes sense?"

"My other colleagues and I have come to the conclusion that he might be connected in a bridge across the multiverse."


"You see, our universe is not the only universe. There are multiple universes which exist parallelly to ours; each in a parallel dimension, with an alternate reality. And in those parallel worlds, we all exist; the same us but our alternate ways of decision-making make each of our personalities different from the other. For example, in this universe, I might be a doctor; but in another, I might be killer. And Taehyung is like a bridge between these parallel dimensions. He has somehow communicated with his other selves from other dimensions whom he calls his friends, as you've said."

Hoseok and Emma were thunderstruck. They doubted either the doctor has gone crazy or their ears had started malfunctioning.

"But how's that even possible?"

"That's still a mystery. But it can be possible."

"How are you so sure that it's not a disorder?"

"Because in any kind of mental illness, patients' mind is either completely blank or filled with too much junk. They lose all the sense as their brain functions irregularly. But in his case, we've found that his brain was perfectly functional. But what knocked out our senses was when we found that each one of his personalities are being controlled by the same mind but with a different set up. And a person's mind cannot work with more than one set up. So tell me, what can explain his condition then? The answer is clear. It can't be from this world."

The two listeners went completely speechless. How could they never notice such a big issue going on with their best friend?

"What was the meaning of that note then?"

"Taehyung must have realised that whom he calls his friends are actually a threat to him. Our subconscious mind is always prepared to give us hints of any kind of unpleasant situations and so did his. What we have found is that Taehyung has three more personalities, apart from his real one in this world. We named one his cold personality, other one insecure personality, and the last one obsessive personality. Everytime his other personalities showed up, he would act differently. That's what you saw as mood swings. Our study implies that most of the times it would be his cold and insecure personalities. The third one rarely took control which was a good sign................until now. And that worries me the most."

"Why doctor?"

"His other personalities might not do that much of a harm but the obsessive one is dangerous. Today when you saw him, it was his obsessive personality. It is dominant, possessive and is controlled by a critical mindset. It can make him do anything if it does not get what it wants. It's psychopathic."

"Which means?"

"In one alternate universe, Taehyung is a psychopath. I'm afraid he's been involved into murders and even........................cannibalism. And if he takes full control on this Taehyung, the effect might get disastrous to the point his real personality might get lost somewhere in the multiverse and we might lose him forever." Their skin had turned white at the horrifying words of the doctor.

"Now we have a choice; to hand him in the lab. Only that they'll do no more than turn him into a laboratory rat."

"So, what do we do?" Emma asked with a quivering voice.

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