18 | See You Again

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happy reading ^^

The day has come where Jina had to leave to Paris for 3 years. Jina and Elline already in the airport waiting for their flight about in 2 hours again.

Felix? he's also there too but he just remain silent since in the way to the airport. There's Elline's family and also Changbin too.

Jina tried to get close to Felix, but he tried hard to ignore her even he actually don't want Jina to leave because he regret to not spend their times more before - after the argument they did past few days.

Jina realized Felix facing out of her so she tried to hold Felix hand. Felix then surprised but he with his ego tried to hide it and pull his hand from Jina but Jina hold if tightly.

Felix can't hold it anymore so he hugged Jina, that make Jina surprised but then she smiled and hugged Felix back.

Are you sure you don't want to talk to me before I go huh?” Jina whispered it to Felix ear.

Felix then pulled out his hug and faced Jina in very close distance.

I'm going to miss you my Jina” he stroke Jina's cheeks.

And I'm so sorry for the argument that we made last time” Felix continue his sentence with his lower voice almost like a whisper.

Jina smiled and hold Felix's hand that he puts to Jina's cheeks. “It is fine, I understand your feeling that time too”

Jina sigh as her head turned down. “That time I also don't willing to leave you but I have to go too, I'm sorry Lix”

Now I'm already fine Jina, you can go now I will wait for you, I'm going to continue my study here too”

Jina smile overwhelmed hearing how mature Felix's thoughts was.

We go for our dream together” Felix continue make Jina nodded agreed.

Jina back to Felix embrace, putting her head to Felix's chest to hear his heart beating. That's Jina's hobby whenever they were hugging each other, she want to hear every Felix's heartbeat.

“Remember, when I was not here don't try to seduce any other girls, don't show too much your handsomeness, don't easily fall in love with other girls, if they try ask you out immediately tell them you have girlfriend already, don't give your number to them if not important, do-”

Felix put his finger to Jina's lips as he want to stop she babbling which she almost talking non-stop make Felix exasperated.

“Ok I won't do that trust me, I will only have you. Promise!” Jina smile cheerful after Felix promise while put his hand up in the air showing promise sign.

“You too, remember update me everything you did and what happening every minutes, understand?”
Felix continued while stroke Jina's hair softly.

"As your wish Sir!”
Jina shows her salute sign make Felix couldn't hold it anymore to pinch her nose. They laughs together, but deep inside their both hearts were wishing the same wish,

“I hope there will no big conjecture would influence our relationship!”

- - - -

Jina and Elline get ready to move to the departure place. Their flight will took off about in 50 minutes more.

As usual, before move they were hugging each other as the goodbye. Same goes as Jina and Felix, their hands been locked together since 1hour ago with reason, Felix don't want to waste even one second to spend their short time.

"Remember right what I say?" Jina tried to remain again replied with a smile and nodded from Felix.

"I'm going to miss you lix" she continue as she stroke Felix cheek.

"I'm going to miss you too, call me if you already arrive there" Felix shows his sad face.

Jina nodded then gave Felix hug again.

Elline also hug her family also not to forget Changbin. Even their relationship wasn't clear yet but they both already act how couple does.

Changbin once said that he will wait for Elline first then make their relationship clear. That's good for both of them, since they still try to learn and know each other more deep first.

Even Elline's parent agree if Changbin become their son in law.

Jina overwhelmed seeing how happy family Elline had. Deep in her heart, she wish her mother and father still there beside her hugging her, say goobye to her, crying with her because not willing to leave each other.

But that's can be her dream only.

Felix realized Jina were staring Elline's family with her touched face, then he ruffles Jina's hair.

"You have to go now Jina" Jina check her watch and nodded.

"See you again my Jina" Felix stroke Jina's face then make Jina smile.

"See you again my Felix"

Felix nodded and replies with her warm smile.

Jina and Elline start to move to the departure place while waving their hand to them.

As they already gone from their sight, Changbin puts his arm around Felix,

"Let's go bro!" Felix nodded then walk together with Changbin to Changbin's car.

- - - -

Whole way in the car, Felix can't stop seeing Jina's pictures and also their pictures together. He miss her sweetheart already.

"Miss Jina already?" Changbin woke Felix from his daydreaming about Jina.

"hm, do you miss Elline too?" Changbin laughed little then smile.

"Of course I did" Felix smile hearing Changbin's answer.

"When you will propose to Elline?" Felix then start the topic which he still wondering about Changbin and Elline relationship.

"I will wait after she finish with her study in Paris, I'm going to marry her soon after that"
Changbin confident answering the question.

Felix nodded smiling. He wish he can answer that kind of question confidentially as Changbin did.

At the different place, Jina and Elline's flight already departed.

Same goes to both of this two girls, missing their boy already.

"El! did you already remember some France words?"
Jina break the silent between them in the airplane.

Yup, they have learnt France words this past few weeks. But they tried to remember some easy words such as greeting word.

"Little bit" Jina nodded.

In the way, they tried talking some in France. Sometimes laughing when they pronounced it wrong because they sounds weird.

to be continue

Yes new update! hehe finally I have edited all of the previous part.

As I said, I continue wrote this book!

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