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[ Edited✍🏻 ]

Jina POV

We don't talked to each other since that day we having small argument, even at school. I don't know what my feelings really mean actually?

I miss him but I'm still mad at him so much. I guess I started to like him. Hah karma for you Jina.

“Jina?” Elline called me while I'm just realized from my daydream.


“Are you and Felix having a problem?”

“What do you talking about?”

“I just asked miss Jina? I see both of you don't even talked to each other since yesterday?”

“I just don't get it of him! I want to be good to him but he thinks that I'm just pretending? Are he even real?” I'm so frustrated right now, he make me mad.

“Maybe he just weird why you care about him so sudden.”

“What? hello? we have know each other for years  now, we care with each other”

“Do you like him huh?”
She smirked at me.

Elline question make me blinked my eyes twice.

“Am I right?”

“I don't know how to explain”
My ego about to melt now.

“So it's true you like him.”
Elline ask again with his smile full of winning.

“Haaah , I don't know El!”
I'm sure Elline laugh at me.

- - - -

I went to the school field while watching the very beautiful sky .

I sat at the chair where it put at field of school. Suddenly I saw Felix come to me. He then sat next to me.

“Are our adopt sibling has been ended?”
He asked as he breath out and look what I was looking just now.

“I don't said like that?”
Guess what? my heart beating right now.

I looked at him but he still looked at the sky. He had light skin and I can see his jawline from this side, not gonna lie he have a very beautiful face even he is a guy. His freckles was shown make him more attractive.

“But why you don't want to talked to me anymore?”
He then face me make me look away from him as I was surprised. I can see he was smiling.

“I don't know!”
I bet, my cheeks already turns red now.

“If you like me just say it, don't keep it too long?”

“Huh, when did I said I like you?”

“I just guessing!”
He then look away again, ok let me try this.

“How if it is true?”

“I will think it back”

My head automatically turns down, is he don't like me anymore?

“Because before this you won't like me more than a brother right?”
He looked at me as he move his right hand to stroke my hair.

“Oh of course!”
I push his hand away and try hard to stay calm even my heart was dancing right now.

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