05| Tell Or Nah?

763 18 2


Felix POV

I was sitting alone at my room and turn on my phone seeing Jina's selca also our selca together . She always make my day and make me smile . I love she's being little sister but I like her too.

Without realising BangChan have entered my room.

“Oi Felix!” He shouted.

“Why you don't knock the door first?” I asked

“Your mom said that you in your room so I just entered” I just nodded sign of understand.

“What is it?” He asked me curiously

But I just staring at my phone.

“Jina again?”

“Yes hyung”

“Come on man , Just tell her the truth!”

He know all my secret , everything! He always give support to me what will I do .

“I can't!”

“Why not?”

“She won't like me if Elline still like me too.”

“Then explain to them that you like Jina and not Elline!”

“I don't want to hurt anyone!”

“But you hurt yours? If you not telling the truth you will make more complicated!”

“I don't know how?”

“Come on be gentle! Meet her and confess your felling to her?”

This make me more nervous! I'm not sure should I tell or nah?

“Don't think that so hard .. Let go outside chilling?”

“Ok fine”

BangChan pulled me . But my phone vibrate sudden.

“Who?” BangChan asked as he saw my face from frustrating to smile.

“Jina! she just text me an 'Halo?' what should I do now hyung?”

“So go on Felix! Meet her out!”

My hand nervously to reply her text .


I just cant wait of Stray Kids comeback this August!!

I'm so in love with Felix orange hair and also himmm!!

I'm so excited!

My Pace! ;)

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