Why Would I?

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Roxy laid there, on the ground, not moving. Just staring at the ceiling. Pain did the same.

It was awkwardly quiet. Roxy then sat up. "Soo... good night then?" He looked at her and nodded slightly. She rubbed her neck. He watched her slightly.

He sat up a bit after and went through his bag. He grabbed some extra clothes he has and pulled his tshirt off, back facing Roxy. He was slightly embarrassed, despite not usually caring. He pulled his shirt on and laid back down. He tossed her a blanket.

"Get some rest." He smiled. Roxy Just looked at him. "You know... Casanova... before I fall asleep, I'd like another like... kiss maybe?" He looked at her surprised.

He smirked and chuckled. "Kinda odd coming from you. The girl In the group who is usually to herself, sorta threatening, tough shell, and doesn't like affection." He hit the nail on the head.

"Fine". She laid down and faced away from him. He sighed. "Ah Roxy I'm only kidding..." he put a hand on her shoulder. She sat up and got close to his face. He immediately turned red.

"Now, isn't this odd for the strongest male, the leader of our group, the tough one with the tough shell." He looked at her. He was a flustered guy. She just laughed quietly. She kissed his cheek. "Ah get some sleep." She laid down and went under her blanket. She smiled softly to herself as she heard him lay down.

She was smiling but frowned a bit as she thought about Oliver and her. She clenched her fists and shut her eyes.

Has she move on?

The next morning they awoke to the sound of Sakura outside. Roxy sat up and looked out and saw Sakura making something on a fire.

"Sakura? What are you making?" She looked at roxy and smiled. "Breakfast!" Roxy Just chuckled and got dressed quickly and walked out. She pulled her cloak on.


Roxy looked at her. "what's up?"

Sakura stayed quiet for a bit. "Can I call you mom?" Roxys eyes widened. She looked at her shocked. Sakura looked at her. "It's okay if you say no! I totally get it-"

"Yes you can!" Roxy blurted out. "It would be my honor to be called your mother." Sakuras eyes widened. She squealed and hugged her tightly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Roxy hugged her back tightly. "You're welcome sweetie."

Konan walked into the campsite. "Morning." Roxy waved. "I got the info we need. Naruto and sasuke right now are inseparable. I need to get those two away from each other, then we can take the nine tails."

Roxy nodded and pulled her cloak on. "Sakura, are you sure you want to be akatsuki?" Sakura looked at her, her eyes glowing green. "Yes, I am sure." Roxy nodded. Roxy nodded and rubbed her head. There was no turning back for Sakura at this point.

Everyone woke up and pulled their cloaks on and got ready to go inside the village. Everyone went inside. Roxy was caring Sakura under her cloak. Some people stared but rushed away from them.

"We need to make sure the boys aren't with their teacher. He poses a threat." Konan said. Roxy nodded in agreement. "Sakura, where are sauske and naruto usually training?" Sakura thought. "In the training grounds near the waterfall." Roxy nodded.

As they were walking, Roxy saw a smaller cloak. She bought it and put it on Sakura so she could walk and didn't have to carry her.

They got towards the training ground. They walked into it. Suddenly anbu flew at them.

"Shinra Tensei..." they all went flying back. Kakashi appeared with naruto and sasuke. Both boys looked pissed. So did kakashi. "Give us back Sakura... you kidnapper.." Roxy laughed as she took her hood off.

"Kidnapper? Oh, I'm quite far from it." She raised her hands. "Akuma No Shoji.." ( demon possession ) her demon came from under her cloak and rushed at the three. They dodged but had to keep moving.

Konan closed her eyes and turned into paper and floated in the air. Pain activated rinnegan and brought the boys towards us, suddenly we were in a red and black world. "Infinite tsukiyomi..." we all suddenly got him by attacks. It was painful.

Sasuke smirked as they all fell and tried to get out of the genjutsu. Suddenly a kunai flew at Kakashi and grazed his cheek. He jumped back.

Sakura walked up in her hood. None of the three could tell it was her. "Naruto, let's take out this one right here." As the boys rushed at her she took her hood off, causing them to skid to a stop. Roxy and the others started to wake up.

Sasukes eyes widened, so did narutos. "Sakura..." she smiled sadly. "Hello." They looked at her headband and stumbled back. "No..." she nodded. "I'm sorry... I couldn't take the bullying, the harassment and the lack of defense from my friends and teachers. It was enough."

Kakashi looked at her. "Sakura..." she looked a him. "Sensei.. I'm sorry but you have favorited and treat the boys better than me, my teachers and my family ignore me, my friends make fun of me behind their backs. It's painful." She looked down and clenched her fists.

"You both are praised and criticized for being so strong, but me? I'm made fun of when I'm getting stronger. And you know what.. it's ridiculous. I'm working as hard as both do you and no one cares or acknowledges me". She looked at them.

"So, I will make them regret bullying me, hurting me, all those things! They will realize what bullying can do to people. And I want them to know, I'm far from useless."

The boys eyes were wide. Their friend, was now on the bad side. Sasuke reached out, "Sakura... please..."

Sakura laughed. "Ha! You think I'd join a group of people who probably going to bully me?"

She smiled blankly, "you all are going to regret the day you all called me useless."

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