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Roxys Squadron was now executing their mission. Infiltrating the Akatsuki Base. Roxy and Tsunade lead the charge.

"How are you feeling?" Tsunade asked Roxy. Roxy glanced at her and looked ahead. "I feel alright... everything feels odd but it'll be alright."

Tsunade nodded and ran up to the base with Roxy. It was getting dark so they had the advantage. "Dang... if only Sasuke was here..." Roxy nodded in agreement. Roxy was a tank when it came into battle but when they needed espionage, Sasuke was their guy.

Roxy placed her hand against the entrance and concentrated chakra to the lock and opened it. She opened the door and motioned everyone over. Everyone ran in. Roxy quickly ran in behind everyone.  Everything was dark but that was for the best.

Roxy made her way to the front when suddenly they came into a vast wide open room. Roxy frowned.
"This is different."

"It is very different..." a familiar voice said. Roxy clenched her fist and recognized it as pain. "What happened, Pain!?" Misakis eyes widened. "Pain...."
Roxy frowned as the room lit up. Pain was across from them. "Oh wow. You brought all the edo tenseis you could imagine!? Good job." He clapped slowly. It drove everyone mad.

"I recognize your husband! He's not covered in blood and mud this time. I'm impressed." He antagonized Roxy on purpose. She clenched her fists. "Shut up."

Misaki grabbed roxys arm slightly. She looked up slightly. She didn't have to look to know who it was. "Pain..." the Orange headed man smirked at the presence of Misaki. "Too bad hes and edo tensei hm?"

Tsunade activated her byakugou seal. "Everyone! Go find the objective!" Tsunade rushed pain and started to fight him, punching him into the wall. Roxy hesitated to leave her but rushed off leading the group. The base was shaking as they ran down into the lower areas of the base. They came into a darker spot of the base.

Roxy immediately sensed a familiar chakra. A soft gentle chakra that had warmed her cold heart years ago.

She walked forward with her eyes glowing. "Sakura...." Misakis eyes widened at the name. "Sakura...?" Roxy stopped and looked up in the dark. Being the only one who could sense her babygirl.

"Sakura! I'm sorry! I left to find you a home, a proper home where you could be happy and free from the Akatsuki. I did all this for you, I promise you!" Roxy said almost yelling into the darkness.

The sound of footsteps walking towards Roxy put everyone on high alert. Sakura came into Roxys view. Her eyes widened as she stared at her daughter. Sakura was now as tall as her, her 17 year old girl had grown into a beautiful young lady.

"Sweetie.... please... say something." Sakura looked at Roxy, her eyes blank. "I don't believe anything you say.... if that's what you were going to do you would've told before you left.... like you always did..." Sakura swung a kunai at roxys neck but suddenly a blur appeared and punched Sakura back.

Misaki was the one who delivered the punch. He shook his fist slightly. "Don't tell me that's our daughter..." Roxy was shocked that Sakura tried to do that. She nodded slightly.

Sakura stood up as the lights in the room came on. "Well... looks I have to kill you all in the light. She suddenly disappeared. Everyone was on high alert.

Suddenly ohnoki was slammed into a wall. He wasn't moving and was non responsive in a second.

Everyone but the edo tenseis, Roxy and Misaki were down. They were shocked that a little girl was able to do this. Roxy clenched her fists and activated her ability. The lights in the room changed to red, cause of her chakra pouring into the room.

"Sakura! This is enough!" Her eyes turned red, not in anger but in fear her daughter was too far down this path. She rose up and saw her daughter on a platform. She ran over to her and gripped her shoulders. "Please! SWEETIE STOP!" She held her cheeks and just looked her at.

"You left me..." Sakura said as her fists shook. "You left without a word... I was so scared. Alone with these people..." roxys eyes widened. "I'll never forgive you for that." Roxy teared up.

"Please... Sakura I told you why I left, I'm
Telling you the truth. Why don't you believe me!?"  She held her daughters hands. Sakuras eyes were blank.

"Because everyone leaves and lies to me. It's never true..." Roxy was about to tell Sakura what she needed to hear but...

"Shinra Tensei..." Roxy flew back. Misaki caught her swiftly so she wouldn't hit the wall. Pain appeared and tossed a beaten Tsunade at their feet. "Madam Hokage!?" Misaki rushed over to her and started to heal her.

Roxys eyes, still red, filled with anger. "Come on pain... let's settle this." Pain smirked and turned slightly as someone was walking past him and Sakura.

"Bold of you to assume you two will be settling anything.... I'm the one in charge here..." the voice echoed and boomed as they stood. Misaki stood and his eyes widened. "Madara...."

"RUN!" Tobirama yelled. Suddenly the room was in flames. Misaki protected Tsunade as the fire consumed the room. He winced and picked her up and looked for Roxy.

He turned and saw she was fine and was helping others. He ran out and laid Tsunade down. She was healing herself thankfully.


She looked at him. "I'm going after madara..." he stood up and walked back into the room that was in flames. Her eyes widened.

"What!? Are you kiddi-"

He held her hands and put his forehead against hers. "Don't forget, you are the strongest woman in the world and..." She sighed and closed her eyes. "You're the strongest man in the world."

He smiled softly. "So don't worry. I'll be fine." He kissed her head and turned. Suddenly with a wave of his hand the fire was out.

"I got this." He smiled and ran off in their direction.

Sakura Of the Akatsuki حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن