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Olly turned toward her. His eyes void of emotion... or anything matter of fact.

"Fine... he won't last fighting me." She said as her eyes glowed yellow and flames appears on her hands and feet.

Olly pulled out his Katana. "I don't expect you to take his fight serious to... but if I were you." He looked at her. "... I would."

"Who said I wasn't going to take this seriously. I despise you for what you did. You will feel the wrath of the fire." Olly turned his blade. "Bring it."

She appeared in front of him and clashed blades. The two fought smoothly, as if they were one person. He kicked her and swung his sword at her. She recovered and clashed with him and swung a punch but he caught it and shoved her back.

She shot a possession. He got hit and felt immense pain. He looked at her and shot ice at her. He looked down and gripped his chest. He forced himself to be emotionless for this.

"Pay attention Olly." He looked up and shot ice, catching her sword. He panted and looked at her. She looked at him and kicked him across the face. He stumbled and fell back. His mind was racing.

Suddenly she activated her fire ability. He shot ice at the same time. The glow of red and blue glowing across their faces.

He was getting pushed back. He didn't want to hurt her. He didn't want to die by her hand. He suddenly shot ice at her face.

She winced and fell back. She got cut on the cheek. He could barely see. He was barely able to fight with half his eyesight.

"You.. you betrayed all of us... the village, the kids, me. Why would you do something so horrible!" Olly saw Madara watching. He looked at her panting. "I hate the shinobi world... it deserves to burn with every Shinobi alongside it."

She stood there for a second. Suddenly her eyes glowed red and a red aura covered her. He was about to dodge when he was suddenly possessed with everything she had. He fell to the ground and gripped his head and screamed. Tears welled up in his eyes. He wanted this to be over....

He wanted to be gone, but that would risk the village and everyone he cared about. Flashbacks and the memories of his village exploding and his people being murdered in front of his eyes flashed in his mind.

Memories he had locked away so long ago came back to haunt him. "S-stop!" He cried out. Roxy walked towards him. He cried out so hard when suddenly he repelled her possession.

He fell to his Knees trying to breathe. His mind was attacking him. Suddenly he shot ice at roxy and tackled her to the ground. He pulled out the syringe and placed it next to her neck. She froze.

His hand was shaking.

He was afraid.



He looked down at her eyes filling with tears. "Kill her! And you will be free Oliver!" Madara yelled in triumph. He looked at her, tears welling up in her eyes.

He smiled faintly as he looked at her. "I-I'm so sorry..." he whispered. He looked at syringe. "Please remember that I love you okay?" He pulled the syringe back and was about to inject it into his neck.

Roxy grabbed it and fought him for it. "Olly! NO! STOP!" He kicked her off but she shot fire at his hand causing him to drop it. Madaras expression darkened as he watched the two.

She kicked him away from the syringe. She grabbed it and stared at him. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He laid on his back and covered his face as it started to rain. "IM TRYING TO END IT!"

Her eyes widened.

For the first time in years she cried.

Olly laid there staring at the sky. He was tired of existing, fighting, living.... he was done.

He stood up and looked at her. "I was being used... Madara made me do those assassinations or he was going to obliterate every village. I couldn't risk it... I'm sorry I ruined everything. You know I would've told you as soon as possible..."

Roxy stood and looked at the syringe and tossed it to the side. She ran over to him and hugged him tightly. Holding him close to her, trying to bridge that loneliness and fear. "Sweetie... i-it's okay! I understand." He held onto her, as if he was going to lose her again.

He looked at her. His eyes widened and he shoved her away from him. The moment he did Madara did a rendition of chidori and pierced his chest with his hand.

Olly looked down slightly and coughed up blood. Blood came from his nose. Roxys eyes went wide. "NO!" She ran towards him but Olly shot her back with Ice. Madara pulled his hand out.

Olly stared at the ground. He saw the blood pool around him quickly as the rain fell around him. Everything was quiet.

At... at least I told her. She knows the truth... I...

He fell to his side and gasped for air. Roxy ran over and held him Close. "Sweetie... Olly! Stay awake okay!?" He looked at her and touched her cheek slightly. He noticed the small wrinkles under her eyes.

The small little dots on her face that he teased her about. He held her cheek and smiled weakly. "....sorry..."

His hand dropped from her face onto his side. Roxys eyes went blank. She felt his life drift From him. "No...." she teared up and held his face. "N-no...."

She looked at him as tears fell against his face. "I-I'm supposed to be your knight in shining armor..." she cried as she looked at him. "I-ITS NOT FAIR! W-WE'RE SUPPOSED TO STICK TOGETHER! Y-you jerk..."

Madara yawned and watched her cry over his body. "Get over it... you'll find someone replaceable like him."

The moment he said that. All hell broke lose. Suddenly Madara couldn't breathe. "If a mortal killed him I would kill the mortal-"

"I AM NO MORTAL!" Madara yelled. Roxy looked at him. "If a god killed him... I would kill the god." Her eyes turned black.

"And also...." her demons became visible. "I'm not mortal either."

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