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Misakis byakugou seal glowed green and lines crawled across the ground and covered Ollys body.
"Alright, all set. Carry him and run, I'll keep him alive."

Roxy nodded and picked him up carefully and started to run towards the village. Sakura ran next to Roxy, she looked at Olly worryingly.

Hashirama and Tobirama lead the squad back to the village. Tsunade had Konan, cuffed knocked out as they all ran.

Roxy looked at Olly slightly. "Thank you..." she whispered slightly.

They all ran for hours until they made it to the village. They all basically collapsed in the hospital. Roxy placed Olly on a medical bed and watched Shizune wheel him off to a medical room. Misaki followed behind them.

Sakura panted slightly as she sat down exhausted. Roxy sat next to her as well, equally exhausted and looked at the black streaks in her daughters hair. "Where did these come from?" Sakura looked at her.

"Not sure... they showed up when I turned 16. I couldn't get rid of them so I kept them." Roxy chuckled and messed up her hair. "Suits you." Sakura blushed slightly and smiled faintly.

Roxy looked at her daughter and rubbed her head. Finally, home at last. Roxy sat up. "I have something for you." She took off her jacket and revealed a Sakura petal necklace. "Your father wanted me to give this to you when I through you would need it."

Roxy took it off and put it on sakura. "Your father gave that to me before his final mission. He wanted you to have this just in case he didn't make it home." Sakura looked at roxy and leaned her head against her. "Thank you... mama."

Roxy closed her eyes and smiled softly. "You're welcome sweetie..." Sakura suddenly jumped up. "Are you okay?!" She asked Roxy in a panic. The poor woman looked at her confused. "Huh?"

"You got hit by the poles from Pain! In your arm and leg are you okay?" Roxy just laughed. "Yes sweetie, I am." She rolled up her sleeves and showed her a bruise. "It just bruises... that's all." Sakura sighed in relief. She was about to say something when she locked eyes with someone else.

Sasuke Uchiha.

Sakura recognized a pain in his eyes. She looked at roxy. She nodded and gave her permission to run off. Sakura walked over to him and looked at him.

He looked tired, and exhausted. He just put his head on her shoulder  despite being much taller. Sakura flinched but wrapped her arms around him.

Roxy let the two be and walked down the hallway looking for Ollys room. She hated hospitals, they always reminded her of losing her daughter all those years ago. That's why she'd rather treat herself than come to such a depressing place.

She eventually found Ollys room and walked in. He was hooked up to machines and wasn't even awake.  The sound of the monitor beeping steadily filled the room. After standing in the doorway, confused and worried, she made her way over to the bed and sat by it.

His skin was pale and cold. He usually was due to his ninjutsu but now... it wasn't normal. She slid her hand into his and held it slightly. She rubbed his hand with her thumb protectively. She hated seeing his bubbly, enthusiastic self be muted and put away. It discouraged her.

"Olly... thank you. Thank you for sending me that chakra signal, and for staying strong. I know I've been difficult when it comes to romance but... I'm glad you're still here even though I said I wasn't ready to date. You were okay with being friends...." she squeezed his hand slightly.

"You have no idea how much I adore and love you, but I'd rather say that to you when you're awake." She rubbed his knuckles with her thumb slightly. "I'll protect you from now on okay? I'll be your knight in shining armor... and You'll get to the the damsel okay?"

The silence.

His silence.

It was off putting. His usually energetic warm self usually would light up her moments, but with him being silent. It just felt like the world was a little bit darker for some reason.

"Please wake up soon, okay?" She slowly pulled her hand away, half expecting him to grab her hand. But, he didn't. She looked at him and leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

"See you when you wake up okay...." she walked out with her hands jammed into her pockets in frustration. She walked out to the waiting room and saw Sakura and Misaki talking and laughing. Roxy watched the two and smiled to herself. She left them alone and roamed around.

Soon, she found a room labeled Uchiha. She raised a brow and walked in quietly and saw Itachi. Her eyes widened and she walked over to his bed side. "Itachi..." he opened his eyes faintly and smiled weakly.

"Roxy... hey." He was attached to every machine imaginable. His illness really was taking hold of him. She sat by him. "How are you doing man?" Roxy said as she looked at him.

"Not well..." he said quietly. "Wondering if the doctor will find a way for me to stay alive to be here for my brother..." Roxy nodded slightly. She looked at him sadly. This was horrible day for her. "Thank you... thank you for watching over her."

He nodded slightly. "You're welcome..." his breathing became a little slower. "Hey..." he said quietly.

She looked at him, noticing his breathing getting slower. "If... if I don't make it out of here... take care of Sasuke for me okay?"

She smiled sadly and held his hand. "Of course... I would've done it even if you didn't ask." He held her hand back and teared up. "Thank you..." Tsunade walked in a few moments later. "Alright... itachi. Are you ready for surgery?"

He squeezed Roxys hand and nodded slightly. Roxy smiled and looked at reassuringly.

"You got this."

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