To his surprise, Heather showed up. "Turns out it was a damn reward challenge," she retorted. "Ugh, I'm so sick of Courtney being here! I don't know if I can take another week with her-"

"I thought you weren't jealous...?" He raised an eyebrow.

"And I'm not!"

"It was so sweet how you desperately craved my attention earlier today. 'Someone look at my booty!' Ah, classic."

Her eyes widened and her blush darkened. "I was not trying to get your attention! I swear I sat in gum! Sierra is disgusting and leaves it all over the place!"

"And Sierra had to tell you you were fine like three times before you finally gave up," he smirked.

"Well...I didn't believe her! I needed someone else to tell me!"



"No one else was around except you, me, Courtney, and Sierra."

"Well...maybe I was asking Courtney! Anything to divert her attention away from y-" she gasped when she realized what she had just said.

Alejandro chuckled. "Caught you, chica." He stepped closer to her. Heather tensed but didn't move away.

"I didn't-I didn't mean it like that! It's're so annoying and...I know what you're doing to all those girls! Courtney needs to be protected! That's why I want her out of the game!"

He brought his hand to her chin so he could look her in the eyes. "Heather," he whispered. "You wouldn't even be able to convince Lindsay with that one."

"Sh-shut up, jerk." She blushed wildly.

"Ah, but you only say that because you know I'm right."

"But you're not right!" She struggled to keep her glare. He smirked cockily, inching closed to her. He could hear her breath speed up. It was in sync with his. His lips ghosted over hers.

He ever so slowly put his lips on hers. But it wasn't a quick kiss like it was with Bridgette. The moment he felt her soft lips, he is it wanted more. He deepened the kiss. He felt her hands travel from his shoulders to his chest and he shuddered. Dios, no woman's touch has ever made me feel so weak! He snaked his arm around her waist, loving the feel of her small frame.

The kiss became so heated that Alejandro couldn't help but trail his lips down her neck. He heard her gasp lightly then start panting. He quickly brought his lips back up to hers and kissed her harder with a lot more passion than the first time.

Heather started kissing his neck in one spot over and over again. He groaned with pleasure. She has such perfect lips...

He pulled her close enough to where their bodies were touching, running his hands up and down her hips. Heather suddenly stepped back, her face bright red.

"...What's wrong?" He breathed.

"You're, um...down there," she motioned her head to his nether region.

Fuck. Alejandro blushed. "Oh, uh...yes, yes I am." He tried desperately to sound confident.

"Was that from...?" She motioned between him and herself.

He nodded, still feeling weak from their intense makeout session. She turns me on way too much.

She smirked. She walked back towards him and kissed him again, ever so slowly. "Do you want help with that?"

Aleheather (Complete)✔️Where stories live. Discover now