Time Skippppppp

Huening Kai fell asleep on the couch, taking a nap that lasted for about 3 hours since he didn't even have anything to do anyway. (Must be nice) Suddenly, there were knocks on the front door. Huening Kai groaned softly and shifted on the couch, trying to stay asleep. But the knocking continued. After a couple minutes, Huening Kai got up from the couch and walked to the front door to see who was there. His eyes widened and he fell back onto the floor when he saw Yeonjun.

"Huening Kai! Open the door now! Your Hyung is here to see you!".
"Hueningggggggg! We really need to talk!".

Huening Kai sighed and he just sat on the floor, listening to Yeonjun scold and worry about him.

"Ningning! Why are you ignoring me!? Why haven't I seen you around!? Is everything okay with you!?".
"Hyuka! Please open the door! I'm worried about you!".

Huening Kai bit his lip, desperately wanting to say something but afraid of the consequences.

"Kai ahhhhhhh! Open. The. Door. Now. Please. And. Thank you". Yeonjun began to knock on the door harder, getting a little frustrated that the boy wasn't answering. "Huening Kai. Please. We need to know you're okay......I....need to know.......".

Tears began to prick at Huening Kai's eyes, he hated this so much. He missed his Hyungs. He had never been separated away from them this long and much. Nothing about this should've been normal. But Kai knew to Jaehyun, it was. He had been separated from everything because of Hee young. Almost everything she did grew onto Jaehyun, especially if he had never been taught another way to cope.

"Huening Kai. What do I have to do to get you to talk to me? Come to school. Actually live your life for gods sake".
"What if I bought you a bunch of molangs? Took you on more dates? Bought you lunch? Ice cream? Clothes? Do your work? Help with math?".

Huening Kai chuckled softly to Yeonjun's suggestions, letting a few tears fall as well.

"Kai?.......I heard you baby.......".

Huening Kai chuckled again, blushing when Yeonjun used the nickname.

"Huening Kai. Why won't you open the door? Are you angry? Sad? Can you please let me know?".

Huening Kai sniffled, shaking his head. He knew Yeonjun couldn't see nor understand him at all but he just hoped he'd leave eventually. He heard Yeonjun sigh and assumed he was about to give up. But nope. Yeonjun was not gonna leave his crush.

"Huening Kai. I'm not leaving until you talk to me. I'm gonna sit outside your house until you let me in. Both your house and your heart". Yeonjun's back rested against the door as he crossed his arms and patiently waited. If it was gonna take hours or even days, he was gonna stay there. Huening Kai got up from the floor and stole a peek thought the window, he whined when he saw Yeonjun sitting there. Why did he have to make this so hard for him?

Hours passed until was starting to get somewhat dark. (Around like 5pm) Yeonjun was still out there and perfectly calm. Yeonjun was on his phone, texting Taehyun about the current situation, until a figure walked in front of him. Yeonjun looked up to see a young, handsome, and maybe intimidating male. He had face features like Huening Kai but it wasn't entirely recognizable if you didn't stare at Kai basically all the time. (That's why he called him handsome)

"Yeonjun?". The male said.

"Uhhh, yes?.....who are you?". Yeonjun asked, immediately getting up.

"I'm the guy who owns this house. Jaehyun Nabil Huening".

Yeonjun's eyes widened and he immediately apologized before bowing. "I didn't mean to be rude Mr. Huening. I'm sorry".

Jaehyun chuckled. "It's fine. But why are you sitting in front of my house?". He then asked.

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