Throwing the bathroom door open, I scrambled towards the bedroom door and flung it open to see a well-built man waiting there.

Damn. Where are all these men coming from?

"Buonasera,signorina!"He said, voice heavy with an Italian accent, "Capo richiede la tua presenza immediatamente."  (Good evening, miss) (Boss requires your presence immediately.)

I blinked.


He must have noticed my confused expression as he apologised and spoke again.

"Good evening, miss," he smiled, "Boss is ready for you in his office."

I nodded."One second while I change."

I shut the door and hurried to throw my clothes back on.

After I had changed, the man led me through the labyrinth of hallways and stairs again and left me standing at a large black door with a gold plate labelled 'Capo'.

These guys really liked the colour black.

I raised my hand to knock but hesitated. Am I really about to have a discussion with a guy who wants me to help him commit a crime? I have nothing against criminals, I could consider myself a criminal; I stole a bar of chocolate from a store once. But, this guy is the type of criminal with guns and probably wouldn't hesitate before putting a bullet in my head.

"Enter," spoke a deep, baritone voice, interrupting my internal thoughts.


I swallowed the lump in my throat and blew out a breath before entering Cin's office.

His office was surprisingly empty compared to the rest of his mansion. I could only see a bookcase, a table pushed against the left wall with a whiskey decanter upon it, a desk and two leather chairs.

I focused on his large frame as I approached his desk, careful not to trip and embarrass myself. It was surprising at how many times that had happened to me before.

Cin was seated in a black leather chair, forearms rested on the desk and hands clasped together. The crisp white of his shirt sleeves, that were rolled up to his elbow, exposing his sun-kissed skin.

Face straight and posture stiff, his hard eyes bored into mine. He looked lethal.

"Elora. Nice of you to join me," he said lowly.

How does he know my name?

"You still have your nametag on"


I situated myself on the smaller seat in front of him.

"Let's discuss why you're here."

"To help you commit crimes," I offered.

"Sì," the corner of his mouth quirked slightly, "Good to know you are not completely braindead."

"When was I even partially braindead?"

"When you let Nico successfully kidnap you"

"He had a gun," I defended, my voice rising an octave higher.

He made a dismissive hand gesture.

"We're getting off track," he rose from his seat and walked towards me before relaxing casually on the edge of the desk. His legs parted slightly nearly touching mine, "When is your next workday?"

"Tomorrow," I replied.

"Okay. Tomorrow we will go to the mortuary and you will act as normal," he leaned his head towards me, "And you will get the post-mortem report labelled Emilia Nardelli and then leave without arousing any suspicion."

I nodded. "Get the report. Leave. Got it."

Simple. What could go wrong?

"Good girl."

He studied me intensely for a few seconds.

"Is that all?" I asked him.

"Actually, " his back straightened slightly, "I am curious as to why you are so willing to help me."

"I have nothing better to do," I shrugged.

He hummed. "Tell me, Elora. What do you want to be in five years?"

"Dead," I joked.

He didn't laugh. Tough crowd.

"Honestly, I don't know." I bit my lip as my thoughts wandered to the the college fund I was currenly saving up, "I thought I wanted to go to college but I've never found a subject that I'm extremely passionate about."

Cin seemed interested in my response. He leaned closer, his face inches away from mine.

I raised my hands to my neck to fidget with my silver locket to distract myself from his growing closeness.

"Do a satisfactory job tomorrow, and I will make you a business proposition."

At this point, his face was practically touching my mine.

"you mean a job?"I questioned, attempting to keep my voice steady and seem unaffected.

He dipped his head further so his nose was skimming the crook of my neck.

"Sì," he whispered, his hot breath leaving a trail goosebumps along the nape of my neck.

"I'm not so sure I want to be a villain," I managed to breathe out.

I could picture a wicked grin appear on his face. "Is that what I am? A villain?"

"I haven't decided."

A shiver runs down my spine as his nose brushes through my hair and his lips skim my ear.

"I have a confession to make, " he murmured against my ear. "I did not build my empire by being a hero. I wasn't born to be a hero, I was born to be a leader."

"I have killed a thousand men."

I could hear my heart beating out of my chest.

"And I'll kill a thousand more before I become anyone's slave."

I feel like this chapter gave a better introduction into Cin's character.
Let me know your thoughts!

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