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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating, but I'm going to change the update day to Saturday. With school starting soon, updates may be on Sundays occasionally, but I'll try to announce it if I do that. Also, I've been tagged twice, so I'll do something about that.

1) Um, I actually have a lot of nicknames, but my favorite is MackDaddy. I wouldn't ask how I got it.

2) I have blue eyes. but they sometimes are a green color, so... *shrugs*

3) Well, my natural color is brown, but right now I have blonde highlights and about a year ago I had some blue in it.

4) I'm not sure... I mean, what do you want to know?

5) idk

6) I would have to say my bed. I'll lay there for hours, writing, drawing, scrolling through Tumblr...


8) It changes all the time, but right now it's either Build Me a Daddy by Luke Bryan or World For Two by King Calaway

9) Dogs. I love dogs so much, even though I don't have one.

10) Again, no idea. My tops are any Harry Potter books (my favorite is 6), The Hidden Kingdom or The Poison Jungle (Wings fo Fire) or Ahsoka (Star Wars)




And my brother for the fun of it:

Tsunami looked at Sunny and Meerkat as they walked back into the living room.

"Uh--I'm going to go call Riptide." Tsunami said awkwardly. "Deathbringer, you can come if you want."

"Just tell me when you two are done talking." Deathbringer replied with a shrug.

Tsunami nodded and walked into Sunny's room, where she knew no one would bother her. She dialed Riptide's number, and put her phone to her to her ear as it rang.

After a few moments, Riptide picked up.

"Tsunami!" Riptide exclaimed. "How are you?"

"I'm great." Tsunami replied. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Riptide said. "I hate to say this, but we don't have long. I'm hiding in the bathroom."

"Alright." Tsunami said with a nod. "I'm at Sunny's house right now, and Deathbringer is here. You can come over tonight to see him if you want."

"That's great!" Riptide said. "I'll be over right after school. Can I talk to Deathbringer?"

Tsunami smiled. "Yeah. Give me one second." She took a deep breath and walked back into the living room.

"Deathbringer?" Tsunami asked. "Riptide wants to talk to you."

Deathbringer smiled. "Awesome." He stood up and took Tsunami's phone from her hand. "I'll be right back."

"Be careful with that." Tsunami said threateningly.

Deathbringer glanced back and gave his signature smirk.

"I'm always careful."

Tsunami rolled her eyes. She glared at Glory. "If I don't have a phone in a few moments, I'm killing your boyfriend."

Glory shrugged. "Go ahead. Just give me a month before he dies again."

"Deal." Tsunami said with a bow of her head.

Sunny glanced at Tsunami. "Could I talk to you?"

Tsunami raised an eyebrow. "Sure." she replied slowly.

Sunny stood up from where she was sitting next to Meerkat and gestured for Tsunami to follow her into another room.

Sunny sighed and sat on the floor, and Tsunami sat next to her, crossing her legs.

"I know you're hesitant to trust Meerkat again," she started. "But I just want to hear exactly your thoughts, without anyone here to judge you. Please talk to me."

Tsunami took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "Sunny, you know he betrayed you. I appreciate that his plan worked, and that Darkstalker was able to be stopped, but he hurt you. He hurt all of us." Tsunami said.

Sunny looked at Tsunami. "I know." she said. "But you need to trust him. I was the closest to him, and I've forgiven him, too. It's time for you to let go of your grudge. I can get him to talk to you if you want. But I need you to trust him. If Glory's mother is still alive, then we can't have grudges. We have to be able to work together."

"I do trust him!" Tsunami protested. "But that doesn't mean I have to like him."

Sunny sighed. "Alright. But at least pretend to like him?"

Tsunami nodded. "Alright. I will. But I'm only doing this for you."

Sunny smiled. "Thanks."

Tsunami smiled back. "Hey, you're like my sister. I'd do anything for you."

Wings of Fire as Humans (in High School): Here We Go Again!Where stories live. Discover now