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Starflight was confused. He didn't know what to think of the fact that Scarlet quite possibly could be alive.

Clay, Meerkat, and Sunny walked over to them. "What are you guys talking about?" Clay asked.

"We think Scarlet is still alive." Starflgiht replied.

Meerkat's eyes widened. "What? Deathbringer, I thought the plan was to have her die, too."

Deathbringer scratched the back of his head and sighed. "I was." He said. "But I don't remember seeing her in the building when the bomb went off."

"It's possible that she is still alive." Starflight said. "The chances are getting higher as we speak."

"So it's not over yet." Sunny said.

Glory shook her head. "It's not."

"Are you sure that you can do this, Glory?" Tsunami asked. "She is your mom, after all."

"She's my mother," Glory corrected. "Not my mom. There's a difference. She's never been a mom to me. I don't even know her. Being honest, I don't really care."

"A part of you does, though." Sunny said. "She is your only living family other than Jambu. She's your mother. Part of you probably wishes that she was different, or that she could have been there for you and your brother."

Glory looked away from them. "You're right." she said softly. "But I can't let what I want to think get in the way of facts. She's a terrible person, and I need to admit that, no after what I want to believe. And I can't let her use that against me."

"That's very mature," Smolder said, walking up to Glory.

"How much of that were you listening?" Tsunami asked, squinting her eyes.

Smolder shrugged. "Pretty much all of it. I heard the front door opened, so I've been listening in on most of your conversation."

"What do you think about the situation?" Starflgith asked.

"I think that it's very possible that Glory's mother is still alive," he said thoughtfully. "Do I want it to be true? No. Do I think it's likely? Yes."

"Well, I guess that's another splendid opinion." Tsunami said with an eye roll. "This is just what we need."

Glory smiled. "You know, I thought my life couldn't get any weirder after I met you all, but I was wrong."

"Glory, your life has always been 'weird'." Deathbringer said.

Starflight grinned. "None of our lives are 'normal'."

"What is normal?" Meerkat asked.

"I have no idea." Smolder replied. "I never was normal."

"Well, there's one thing he's right about." Sunny said with a grin.

"I said I wasn't normal." Smolder said. "I'm not dumb, I'm weird."

"'I'm not dumb, I'm weird.'" Glory quoted. "That's probably the most accurate description of my life."

Tsunami shrugged. "She's not lying."

Starflight smiled. Even when they were talking about something so terrifying, his friends could still manage to make him laugh.

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