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"Deathbringer?" Clay asked.

"How?" Tsunami asked. "You died!"

Glory hugged Deathbringer, tears in her eyes, and then stepped back and punched him. "What were you thinking?" She said. "You run off like that, leave one note, and then turn up a few days later after all of us think you're dead. I thought you were gone!"

Deathbringer looked down. "I know. But I didn't think that I would live. It was the only way that it could be. I didn't want to do it, but I had to. And I didn't realize I would live because I was in a building when it blew up." He looked at Glory. "I'm sorry. I really am. But I did what I had to do."

Glory looked back at him. "I know. But that doesn't mean I have to like it."

"You think I wanted to do that?" Deathbringer asked. "Go into sudden death just to save the rest of you? I didn't want to be this 'hero' or whatever, I just wanted to keep you all safe."

Clay put a hand on Deathbringer's shoulder. "Hey, it's fine. You're back, and we're happy about it."

Sunny smiled. "I'm going to call my mom. We can order some pizza tonight, and just hang out."

"We should skip school tomorrow." Tsunami said.

Glory nodded. "I'd like that." She handed Deathrbinger her phone. "Call your mom. I'll take you to her tomorrow."

Deathbringer nodded and stepped outside, dialing a number into Glory's phone.

"Well, that was certainly not how I was expecting my evening to go." Tsunami said.

"Nope." Glory agreed. "But I'm really, really happy right now. I can't even believe it. I thought he was gone."

"So did I." Tsunami said. "And I'm glad he's back. Riptide's been a little weird lately; he and Deathbringer were close friends."

Glory nodded. "Everyone's been weird lately. Deathbringer being supposedly 'dead' took a toll on all of us."

"I do think that Deathbringer's decision needed to be done, though." Starflight said. "He knew that in that moment, to save all of us, he needed to do what he did. I'm just really glad he's still alive."

"So am I." Clay said. "Maybe things can kind of be back to normal again."

"Things will never be normal again." Glory said with a smile. "We never were normal in the first place."

"You got that right." Tsunami said.

Deathbringer came back and handed Glory his phone. "So..." he started. "What's up?"

Glory punched him again. "I hate you." She said.

"Love you too." Deathbringer said.

Sunny out her phone down on a table. "My mom will be home soon. I didn't tell her that Deathbrigner's back, though. I just said that she needed to come home really fast, and to bring Smolder with her. And that we're skipping school tomorrow."

"And she's fine with it?" Tsunami asked.

"Yeah, I guess she just assumed that we need a day off and that getting back into society after a 'traumatizing time' as she likes to call it, was hard for us poor, poor children." Sunny replied.

"Hey, your mom's cool, Sunny." Deathbringer said. "Don't worry about it."

"I'm not." Sunny replied with a smile. "Oh, there's my mom now. I'll go get her."

Sunny left the house, and then walked in with Smolder and Thorn following her.

"Why did you call us home so quick?" Thorn asked. "What's the rush?"

"This," Sunny said. "Deathbringer,r please come out."

"Deathbringer?" Thorn asked.

"But he died!" Smolder added.

"I didn't." Deathrbinger said, walking into view.

"What?" Thorn asked. "It really is you."

"Yep, I'm not dead." Deathbringer said.

"How?" Smolder asked. "The—the explosion. No one could survive that."

"I did." Deathbringer said. "I hid under a piece of metal and it shielded me when the building exploded. Uh, Darkstalker wasn't so lucky, though."

Thorn hugged Deathbringer. "I'm glad you're alive." She said.

"Me too." Deathbringer whispered.

A/N: Yay! Two updates! This probably won't happen much, but I was asked, and the previous chapter was pretty short.

Wings of Fire as Humans (in High School): Here We Go Again!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora