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How beautiful is it that we see the same things
Yet understand them so differently,

How we breathe the same air,
Yet still some of us still feel suffocated.

How funny is that you see strength in the curve of your muscles
While I see it in the ability of one to manage their struggles.

I see in it in the girl who picks herself up from the bathroom floor after having a breakdown,

In the way she looks herself in the eyes and raises her trembling fingers to wipe her frown

In the guy who laughs a little too lowd within the crowd,

In the old man you brushed passed on the road the other night for walking too slow,
In his determination to find food for his kids despite the harsh cold. .

You lift up your dumbbell, we lift up our faces,
You wipe sweat, we wipe tears

You hide your fat but we?
We hide our scars.

So the next time you ask me what strength is

I'll tell you I see it in you too

Because I know it took you months to build up your wall

Because I know you wear the greatest mask of us all

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