Investigations and pizza

Start from the beginning

Luckily they hadn't run into each other since their Slip-Up.

Camila was positive Lauren's low-key flirting was going to take a turn for the worse; aka it was going to be blatant and it was going to piss Camila off so much.

They'd arrested several low level criminals linked to the family but all of them favoured jail time over snitching.

Whatever Lauren had done to strike the fear of God into her pawns was vaguely impressive.

Especially since every bit of information they had on her proved she wasn't the one doling out beatdowns or drive-bys. Well she wasn't physically involved in them but it was obvious she was the one who ordered them.

The only victory Camila had almost tasted was when they'd busted Dinah on an assault charge.

The almost part came in the form of Lucy fucking Vives.

Apparently, under Lauren's new leadership, her presence extended to Lauren's right hand woman.

Lucy apparently could save anyones ass with a high enough motive, and money seemed to be the greatest motive of all.

"I'm just saying, there's probably another motive for her." Peralta said around a mouthful of food.

Camila, Ally, Diaz and Peralta were gathered in the briefing room, eating chinese takeout and licking their wounds after Lucy had promptly whooped their ass.


"Vives. Sure she gets paid well but like, come on, you must've heard the rumours." Peralta pointed his chopsticks at Camila with a raised eyebrow.

Camila blinked at him.

"Take her silence as a no." Ally said with a snort.

"Jauregui and Vives. Word on the street is that she's not just getting paid with money, if you know what I'm sayin'." Peralta snickered, wiggling his eyebrows. Diaz batted him on the arm and rolled her eyes.

"Really?" Camila asked, poking at her food container with a frown.

"Wait, you really hadn't heard that?" Diaz asked, her own frown forming. Ally glanced at Camila with narrowed eyes, chewing almost comically slowly.

"I listen to more... important chatter." Camila shot back easily. Ally noticed the clench in her jaw, the almost imperceptible twitch in her right eye, the slight pursing of her lips.

"Kiyoko overheard Hansen and Vives talking on their way out earlier, Jauregui's got a meeting with Matt Healy in a few days' time." Ally said, pointing towards an open file at the centre of the table.

"Healy? Those two families... they don't get along." Peralta said with a frown. "You sure it was Healy?"


"Looks like we need to get a location before it goes down."


"I cannot believe you." Lauren hissed.

Dinah clasped her hands behind her back, keeping her spine straight as she stood before Lauren. Lauren had finally sat at her father's desk, the chair should've drowned her out yet Dinah swallowed at the feeling of power coming off her friend.

"Lucy helped me out."

"Because I asked her to. I can't have one of my right hand women locked up." Lauren said slowly.

"Laur, it was an accident." Normani said, stepping forward to stand by Dinah's side.

"This meeting with Healy has to go perfectly." Lauren groaned. "He's only just taken over from his mum, now is the perfect time to strike a deal that favours us."

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