My girl wordlessly gets off the bed, still frowning deeply, then comes up to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her to the bathroom. We quietly shed the little clothing we have then get in the bathtub, with me behind her as always.

"Evan got arrested for drug dealing. Coach just called to ask if we knew about it." Lia states after a moment, sighing heavily.

"Shit. – I grunt – This is fucking serious. What did the coach say about this?"

"He just asked if we knew then said he's going to arrange for a drug test for the whole team to check if you guys are clean. We agreed to not tell the team about Evan's charges before we know more about that, but if someone on the team was using something..." She trails off, not needing to say more for me to understand the shit the team's in.

"Okay, but what about Justin? How is he involved?" I question, gently washing Lia's shoulders.

"Evan supposedly left something in the locker room. He admitted to that when the cops were questioning him. Guess what it was – fucking amphetamine!" She exclaims in fury. I can only sigh heavily at this. Fuck, Evan, how could you be so stupid?!

"I don't think any of the guys have been using drugs, but if Evan was dealing.... Fuck, we're in deep shit."

"You'll be fine; I know you're not taking anything. I'm just worried about your championships. What if some guys were using that shit and you get suspended?"

"I don't know... - I murmur distractedly, leaning my chin on Lia's wet shoulder - But when coach did the PED tests, none of us were positive, so I'm hoping there won't be any slips this time either."

"That would be perfect, but Evan was arrested for dealing. Who's to say he didn't have customers on the team?" Lia wonders out loud.


"Yeah. Fuck. Damn it! Just when everything was getting better, some idiot has to ruin it! – my kitten snarls, hitting the side of the tub with her fist – If you get suspended from the championships for using drugs, your chances at going into NFL are out the window. If someone on the team has actually been using drugs, there will be backlash. I don't know what kind, but... it's not going to be pretty."

I stay quiet for a moment, not really knowing how to react to that. Then I remember another thing. "What was that thing about you seeing what you can do about it? I heard you say that when I came to get you."

"Oh that... Coach didn't want to make it the test too public, so I told him I can look into that."

"What's your plan? I know you wouldn't have told him that if you didn't have an idea on what to do."

"I was thinking about asking Caroline for help. She could take samples and everything, then get the tests done privately in her clinic." I feel a smile appear on my face. My girl is so smart and thoughtful. She barely found out about the problem and she's already thinking about how to solve it.

We agree that we're going to talk to the team privately about Evan's charges and the drugs, so there's no drama... We don't want to make it public that there's an issue with the team. I know that coach will notify the dean, but there's got to be proof of drug use to take action.

I just hope everyone comes out clean.

Lia and I stay quiet for the rest of our bath, just enjoying our sweet time in the tub. I take my time washing my kitten, loving the feel of her soft skin under my fingers. There's nothing better than having my woman trust me with herself, whether it's her heart or her body. It's unbelievable how meeting one person can change someone's life.

I used to take whatever I wanted from girls, using them left and right, not caring about their feelings or anything, but I can't even fathom the idea of doing that to Lia. I would sooner cut my dick off than hurt her in any way. That's how much she changed me. I literally grew up while being with her. Watching her struggles and pain made me want to protect her from everything, to shield her from anything that comes her way. I realized that compared to her, I was living a sheltered life that made me nothing but an entitled rich kid that knows nothing about the real world. It was my sweet kitten that helped me become the best version of myself, that helped me grow into a responsible adult, that rid me of my childish naivety and cockiness.

I can easily say I'm not the same person I used to be two years ago.

And it's all thanks to my little kitten.

But... I never expected that my life would become so dark. I literally killed people – I did something that I've never thought of doing. I would've never thought I'd become a killer and think nothing of it, but for Lia I'm ready to do much worse.

I chuckle quietly at the thought. "What's funny?" Lia asks curiously when she hears me.

"Just a thought. Everyone we know calls us a cute couple and shit, but we're literally a pair of killers. It's funny how wrong people are about us."

Lia turns around in the tub, facing me with a small frown. "Do you regret that?"

"Regret what?"

"Killing Declan..."

"Not at all. That's what's funny. People think you turned the bad boy into a good one, when it's actually the opposite. From bad to worse. – Lia's worried frown deepens at this so I decide to reassure her – And I wouldn't have it any other way." I reach out to her and pull her into my lap, feeling her hot core against my groin.

"I will do anything for you. Only for you." I confess, brushing her wet hair away from her face.

"What if at some point in time you hate me for making you like this?"

"I can never hate you. I love you so much that the mere idea of leaving you is abhorrent to me. Don't get me wrong, kitten. You didn't force me into anything. Whatever I did, I did it of my own will. But if it was for anyone else, I wouldn't go this far. You're the only one I'm ready to kill for."

My kitten sighs in relief before chuckling quietly. "I don't know whether that was the sweetest thing I heard or the most disturbing one. But... - she leans up to look me in the eyes - I would kill for you too."

Before Lia can pull away, I smash my lips to hers, kissing her hungrily. She doesn't waste time to respond and relaxes in my arms as I devour her like a man possessed. Soon I feel her gently grab my member and place it at her core before she slowly impales herself on my hard-on, still kissing me.

Time to take my kitten on a ride.

The Unbreakable (Ghost Series Part 3)Where stories live. Discover now