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    Aida flew across the Fire Nation capital using her distinct fan, bending the air currents to her will in order to get to her destination. The first time this happened, it greatly confused the locals. But after years of this occasionally happening, they became used to it, smiling at the woman who travelled in a very unique way.

    As soon as she landed on the palace courtyard, she was met by the Fire Lord who was tapping his foot while waiting.

    "You're late, Ai," Zuko said as Aida approached him.

    "Sorry, Zu. I got held up by the kids of the orphanage," Aida responded before wrapping her arms around the man, leaving a kiss on his cheek. "Is everyone here?"

    Zuko nodded with a smile on his face. It was rare to see the Fire Lord smile, especially with the stress that came with his job. The past few years of remaking the world to suit its current demands as well as the family drama really exhausted the man. But the girl before him became his healing; her support and positive attitude as well as her otherworldly outlook gave Zuko a new perspective on things and became good advice while they changed the world.

    "The sun is almost at its peak. We should go in," he said.

    The two walked into the palace hand in hand, giving nods as a sign of courtesy to the people who bow to them. Everyone knew of the romance between the Fire Lord and the girl who worked with the Avatar.

    After the war, Aida wasn't known as the Avatar to most people. She was merely a gift from the spirits; someone who was to help Avatar Aang as she was known as an airbender. Only a few knew of her ability to bend other elements as well as her connection to the Spirit World. She was careful with her abilities, being more known as a weapons master above being a bender.

    Over the years, the people also saw the budding romance between a monarch and a war hero. A lot of Zuko's council was greatly against this relation, expecting the Fire Lord to marry a woman of elite status in the Fire Nation, especially given his position. However, this did not phase the young man as he continued to court the woman he met during the war. As they saw Aida work with the other world leaders alongside the Avatar, they saw an advantage of this union. Either that, or it was the former general Iroh's words that changed the council's view on the young woman. Now, they were pressuring the two on other matters, specifically marriage and a future heir for the crown.

    But Aida and Zuko took their time, prioritizing their duties and responsibilities to the people they were serving. But in between their work, they were able to squeeze in some time for each other, making sure they didn't burn out from everything that was expected of them. The way they managed their relationship also got a lot of comments from Aida's brother, with him sticking around Katara and even getting married before his older sister. Aida and Zuko were steady, just the way they like it.

    As soon as they entered a special room in the palace, they were met by the few closest people in their lives. Aang had an arm around his wife's shoulder as Katara stood beside him with a baby bump showing. Toph stood by them, looking at the general direction from which the couple entered from, her hair being longer than normal with bangs covering her lavender eyes. Sokka and Suki stood side by side as well. Despite not being together anymore, they still remained good friends and would meet along with the others once a year for this special occasion.

    "Took you guys long enough!" Aang exclaimed as he removed his arm around Katara and walked over to his sister. "You guys have to visit the temple more often. I'm sure the air acolytes would be very accomodating, especially to you, sister."

    "Which is why I rarely visit," Aida said with a shrug before pulling her brother into a hug. "Besides, I have lots of people to meet and places to be."

    "Either that or she just isn't an air nomad," Sokka commented with a shrug, causing the male Avatar to glare at him.

    "Aida will always be an air nomad. Not the most traditional one, that's for sure," Aang said as his nose scrunched at the idea. "Then again, a lot of our traditions are still being uncovered."

    Toph let out a howl of laughter before commenting, "That's on you, twinkle toes."

    Aang rolled his eyes at the old nickname given to him, making Aida simply smile. After a few years of seeing the dynamic of this group as well as how they were when they lived their individual lives, she found a place in the middle of it and actually belonged in their little family. Together, they were able to make a new world. Not really the most peaceful with the occasional opposition, but they knew that they were doing their best to help with conflicts.

    Just then, a beam of light entered the room, signalling that it was already noon. At that exact moment, a familiar portal formed in front of the group, catching their attention and making them grin. Four familiar figures passed through before Aida left Zuko's side as she launched herself to her twin brother.

    "Welcome back, guys!" Aang greeted the group as the twins were already hugging each other.

    Sasuke smirked at the group before saying, "Yeah, it's a good escape from the missions." He chuckled as his best friend finally turned to him for a hug.

    Aida then hugged the two girls that were with her brother and best friend, squealing in excitement.

    "So Zuko!" Naruto exclaimed as he moved closer to the Fire Lord. "When are you planning to become our brother-in-law, huh?" he asked, referring to himself and the other Avatar.

    "Soon, hopefully. I heard the council has been bugging the two about having an heir," Aang said with a laugh.

    "Okay, enough marriage talk!" Zuko cut in with his arms across his chest. "We have lunch ready. Shall we?"

    As the tradition they have formed, the group ate lunch and caught up for what they have missed from each other the past year. It was a gift given to them by the spirits for restoring the balance in the world they were currently in, allowing the other half of the Avatar to stay connected to her life in another world.

    Afterall, she was a different kind of the Avatar reincarnation, having lived two lives as Avatar Aida.

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