Chapter 9: Tipsy

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Chapter 9: Tipsy

Aida took a deep breath of relief as soon as she saw Aang on the balcony, looking outside of the theatre. With all that has been happening to them, she knew that at one point, Aang might just explode like a time bomb, especially for someone his age. And just now, she saw the signs of the fuse being too short for the good of many.

She took another deep breath before making her way to the boy, trying her best to casually lean onto the ledge of the balcony as she kept her gaze in the distance.

"Do you really think Katara sees Zuko that way? I mean, I guess he is quite handsome," Aida asked, trying to sound light.

"I don't know," Aang mumbled, leaning onto the pole just beside him.

There was another round of silence between the two, only the sound of their breaths and the crashing of the waves from the nearby ocean could be heard.

"Do you think I would have a chance with Katara after all of this is over?" Aang suddenly asked. "You're kind of close to her. She might've mentioned me to you or something."

"She hasn't mentioned you to me in that way. Of anyone, really. Our talks were mostly about war and coping with loss," Aida admitted, looking at her brother in a worried way. "You're still young, Aang. You don't have to rush something like this."

"I'm 112 years old. And a hundred of those years were spent in a huge block of ice," Aang said with a sigh. "I feel like I'm just chasing everything at the moment, trying to make up for the years I've missed and making up for the mistakes I've made."

Aida moved closer to the young boy, opening her arms to offer an embrace. Aang immediately rushed to her, wishing for a comfort only a family member could give. He always found Aida's embrace something comforting, even in her past life.

"You have so much more time in your hands, Aang. I can't always ask you to be strong. A person can only take so much, even for an Avatar like you. But do know that we're always here for you to help you live now. You don't have to make up for anything," Aida said in a quiet voice before she placed a kiss on the boy's forehead. "I know you're looking for that companionship from Katara. Give it time. You're both young."

"Says the girl who got engaged at the age of 16," Aang sighed with a chuckle.

"If I recall correctly from my visions of you in the Northern Water Tribe, 16 happens to be the marrying age there," Aida retaliated with a laugh. "Be patient, okay? And know your priorities."

"There's something else, Aida," Aang mumbled onto the fabric of Aida's dress.

"What is that?" Aida asked, coaxing the answer out of the boy.

"I can't access the Avatar State," Aang whispered in shame.

Aida pulled back a bit, realizing that during the war, one of the pains she had felt might have been this event. Yue has mentioned that she is more needed now than ever, especially with the lack of Aang's connection to the Avatar state. Even she didn't know how or if she even had access to this power.

"We'll find a way around that," Aida whispered back, placing another kiss on his forehead. "There's always a way."


"Does anyone know where Aang and Aida are?" Katara asked the group as they stood outside the theatre during the intermission.

"Aang left to get me fire gummies, like, ten minutes ago. And I'm still waiting!" Sokka complained.

Zuko was suddenly pulled from his trance at the mention of the Airbenders' names, making him turn to Katara.

"Aida followed Aang earlier to check up on him," he added.

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