Chapter 4: Dimensions

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Chapter 4: Dimensions

"When do I leave?" Aida eagerly asked as she faced the spirits.

"Hold on a second," Kakashi interrupted as he stepped forward. "Are you trying to be a rogue? What's this about you leaving without my permission?"

"I just want to help them sensei," Aida said with an innocent smile.

"Sensei we want to go with her too!" Naruto exclaimed as he hopped onto his sister's side. "I wanna fight these fire people or whatever you call them and bring balance and stuff!"

"Half of what you said didn't make any sense, idiot," Sasuke deadpanned, making the others chuckle.

"Woah there! All of you?! Who'd be left here? And what about your jobs?" Kakashi said as he made his way to his chair. "I will allow Aida, seeing as she is the one requested here, but I can't have all of you leaving at once."

Everyone started to talk amongst themselves about who gets to go and who would be left behind. It became quite chaotic making the spirits laugh in amusement. Seeing humans up close arguing was a rare thing for spirits which never failed to amuse them.

Aida, on the other hand, was quite irritated and embarrassed at her friends' behaviour.

She cleared her throat to try to get their attention, which failed.

Another attempt... and still nothing.

Once Aida had enough, she climbed up on Kakashi's table which surprised her former mentor. With a stomp, she screamed, "Shut up!"

Everyone turned their attention on the girl on the table with an angry expression on her face. They immediately fixed themselves to be presentable to the spirits before them before sending innocent smiles.

"Thank you for that, Aida. Now, will you please get down from my table?" Kakashi said as he stared at the paperwork which the girl accidentally stepped on. Kakashi was a lazy man, and doing all of this paperwork all over again would be a waste of valuable time which he could've used to read his favourite book.

"Sorry about that sensei," Aida said as he climbed down from the desk. "At least I got their attention, right?"

"First of all, will Yue be able to bring more than one person?" Kakashi asked.

"The spirits only ask of Aida. But I think I may be able to get a few more in," Yue said with a small smile. "If this is what will get Aida to go there, then so be it. And a few extra hands helping would do them well."

"Now... Usually when a ninja is sent on a mission, we are paid seeing as this would compensate for the ninjas' absence and as a reward for their services. I am not asking you to pay for them as a service seeing as they are volunteering for this, but they are some of the best we have. Without them helping with the rebuilding of the village, it could slow things down," Kakashi explained.

"I think this would be enough," La said as he stepped forward with a small bag, dropping it in front of the Hokage's desk with a clank.

Kakashi casually opened the bag given to him and he felt his eyes widen.

Inside were pieces of gold which would cost a lot if sold. This would make anyone rich and would be of great help to the village.

"This is more than enough," Kakashi said as he stared at the gold before him.

"I think it would be enough to get your village back on its feet. And with the ninjas you are sending along with Aida, it would take less time to defeat the Fire Nation," Yue said. "And I am sure the spirits will also bless your village with abundant resources to keep you going."

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