Chapter 14: Decisions

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Chapter 14: Decisions

A few days after their stay in the Fire Nation, the team returned to a humble tea shop in Ba Sing Se which belonged to Iroh. The past general even made the effort to close the shop for the teenagers to give them a space to spend time together after the war.

With the recent events, the recently reinstated Earth King has decided to connect better with the group, wanting to work together in order to return the former Fire Nation colonies to the Earth Kingdom. The next few days were already planned to be filled to the brim for these teenagers as their role for the repair of their world would mean meetings, a lot of diplomacy, and social gatherings.

But for now, they had the night to themselves; Sokka painting (or attempting to paint, at least), while the others played games and ate different snacks provided by Iroh. It was a night of love and bliss, of fun and youth, as they spent time together to feel what a normal teenager should before they were to go to the celebrations and work.

Once the sun had set, the whole group went to the Earth Kingdom Palace for a party; one that would celebrate an incoming era of peace and the return of the Earth King. Being war heroes, most of them were introduced to the nobles of the Earth Kingdom. For the most part, the people only had half of their attention as they only wanted to enjoy the food and each other's company.

The shinobi have kept to themselves, including Aida, much to Aang and Zuko's dismay. Being those who are not really a part of that world, they simply wanted to accompany their new comrades. But once the night was about to end, Zuko was able to wisk Aida into a couple of dances, gaining sceptical looks from those around them. Afterall, people were still wary of the new Fire Lord and Aida's appearance is certainly different from those of that world.

After the party at the Earth King's palace, the whole group returned to the house they were staying at, exhausted from all the mingling they had done. They expected to be able to retire immediately to their respective quarters. But being war heroes, the spirits had a different idea.

As soon as they entered the house, they saw a familiar girl along with two males; one of them obviously looked as if he had been from another world, much like the shinobi.

"Did Aida get me to drink too much or is the moon spirit in the room?" Sokka asked out loud, breaking the silence.

At that question, the blond-haired one let out a laugh, making the shinobi stare at him in shock. They never saw him in this light before so seeing him more carefree and less criminal-like was new to them.

"I see you got Hidan's habit of roping people into drinking, princess," the blond said with a smirk.

"What's going on?" Aang said as he stepped forward, recognizing the presence of spirits within the room.

"We mean no harm, Avatar Aang," Yue said with a gentle smile.

"We are simply here because of our dear friends from the other world," the man who the shinobi recognized as La, stated.

"Who's here, anyway?" Toph suddenly asked, not recognizing the presence before her. Their weight on the floor of the house was lighter than that of Aang, and that was something she was sceptical about.

"The moon and ocean spirits. And a blond guy," Aang explained to Toph.

"Dei," Aida finally said, snapping out of her trance. As soon as the name left her lips, she immediately ran for the man who readily caught her.

"You did great, princess," Deidara said with a smile on his face as he looked down at the girl who had her face buried on his chest. He then looked back up to see the rest of her team with shocked expressions. "Oi Sasuke! Your brother has been joking about you reviving your clan again recently," Deidara called out as he eyed the said man as well as the pink-haired girl beside him.

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