Chapter 1: Beginning

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Chapter 1: Beginning

The Avatar was always known to be the strongest bender alive because of his ability to control all four elements. When the Avatar dies, their spirit is reborn into the next element. Water, Earth, Fire, Air. The cycle continues on along with the balance it brings.

Once in a blue moon, a special case happens. Two avatars are born, splitting the spirit into two. This does not mean one of them is stronger than the other; it just divides the spirit equally. Only one of them existing would result in an imbalance due to it not being complete. For some odd reason, the two avatars would die at the same time and the spirit would be joined again to be reborn into the next element.

More than a decade before a war, twins were born in the Southern Air Temple; a boy named Aang and a girl named Aida. The monks of the temple were delighted to have the two join their big family. At the age of three, the monks presented them with a lot of toys and told them to choose whatever they want. Both children chose toys which were not usually chosen by children of the Air Temple. It was then the monks realized that they were looking after the world's future saviours.

Aang and Aida grew up to be inseparable. They also became popular with the airbenders their age making them a big influence on the others. They were particularly close to one of the monks in the temple, Gyatso. They would usually learn small tricks or play Pai Sho with him. He became their father figure; someone they could run to whenever they have a problem.

When the twins turned twelve, they were called by the leader of the temple for an announcement. They had no idea how this would have a big effect on their lives.

A mat was rolled out in front of them with three different kinds of toys. In front of them were the elders, seated in a row. They watched as the twins started to play with the toys as if reminiscing their childhood.

"Do you know why you chose these toys?" the one in the middle, Tashi, asked.

"I don't know," Aida said as she continued to play.

"I guess they just seem fun to us," Aang continued before his sister sent a top across the room causing him to fall from laughter. The elders noticed the children's immaturity which made them clear their throats. The twins immediately stopped their games and turned back to the men before them.

"As we were saying; you did not choose them simply because they are fun. Those are the toys of the Avatars before you," the one on the right, Pasang, said, making the teens look at them with confusion in their eyes.

"What he means is that you are destined for great things," Tashi clarified.

The twins found out that they were the next Avatars which made them excited. Being the Avatar is a great honour for them since they would be looked up to by all nations. They were elated by the fact that they were to be treated like royalty.

Once the word spread about the twin Avatars, Aang and Aida spent less time outside with the other kids their age. They either trained with the other airbenders or stayed in their room with monk Gyatso playing Pai Sho. As much as they wanted to go out and play, the older airbenders would always find something else for them to do.

One day, monk Gyatso talked the other monks into allowing the twins out. As soon as they heard that they were allowed to exit their room, they immediately dashed out to play with the others. As soon as they got into the courtyard, they saw the other kids playing on air scooters, a little trick invented by Aang.

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