Chapter 11: Connect

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Chapter 11: Connect

"What did you do to her?" Naruto's voice echoed throughout the house as soon as he saw his sister in Zuko's room.

Hoping that Aida would wake up in the morning, Zuko didn't inform the rest of the group of her fainting spell until everyone was awake. This caused panic with her team.

"We were just talking. I didn't know what happened. I thought she would be up by now," Zuko tried to reason out.

Sakura moved the the who was unconscious on the bed, placing her two fingers onto her wrist to check for her vitals.

"Her heartbeat is slower than normal. I'd have to run some tests on her, but this isn't the first time that it happened to her," Sakura reported before she started checking for Aida's temperature and the like.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked as he moved closer to his best friend. "How many times has this happened during the war?"

"It started during Pein's attack. I'm guessing that was when Aang was freed from the iceberg, if I'm connecting the narrative from the play correctly," Sakura replied. "Then she would occasionally slip into unconsciousness, usually the symptoms are the same. As unscientific as it sounds, it may be spiritually linked to Aang."

"Where is Aang?" Katara suddenly asked, catching the group's attention.

"We did not sign up for this shit," Sasuke mumbled under his breath.

"Search the house," Sokka called out, everyone immediately spreading out and searching every nook and cranny.

The only ones left in the room with Aida were Naruto, Sakura, and Zuko. After what happened last night, Zuko couldn't believe that Aida would've collapsed on his watch.

"What were you two talking about?" Naruto asked as he held one of his sister's hands into his own.

"She explained to me what her ninja way was," Zuko said as he stood at a distance, keeping his eyes on Aida. "She told me how lost she has been feeling with our expectations. I don't know. One minute I was trying to convince her that we would find a way to deal with my father and the next, she was knocked out."

"You like my sister," Naruto pointed out bluntly. "As if you two making out here wasn't enough proof. It's only been a few days since we arrived, but I see the way you look at her."

Zuko smiled a little at the thought of genuinely liking this stranger. The thought of slowly getting to know her. The thought of spending his days with her.

"Is that okay with you?" Zuko asked Naruto, making Sakura chuckle.

"Aida-chan hasn't been in a proper relationship after she got back to Konoha," Sakura pointed out as she finished checking everything she could with Aida. "But maybe you can change that."

"Sakura-chan, that would mean Ai-chan not coming back with us," Naruto said, his tone worrying the pink-haired girl. "She's the only family I have left. I don't know if I'd want her to stay here, even if it was to rebuild this world."

"I know, Naruto-kun. But it's all up to Aida-chan if she wants to stay here or not," Sakura said with a sigh before going to her reports. "We might need to get her in touch with Aang somehow if we want her to wake up soon. All her vitals are not normal but she is somehow alive. It's really not something we can fix. Her chakra flow is also normal, from what I can sense."

Just then, everyone entered the room, each of them stating that they haven't seen Aang, only his staff being left on the porch.

"Have you checked the beach?" Zuko asked them.

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