Chapter 32 Grandma

Start from the beginning

"Alright, I'll let you and Selene know when dinner is ready," Esme told him.

After that Emmett showed Percy to his room and got him settled, Percy went and took a shower then laid down to take a nap. If he slept for the rest of the day, that would be great with him. Once Emmett got Percy settled, Emmett went back to his room to check on Selene. Emmett opened the door as quietly as he could and saw that Selene had changed into one of his shirts and was curled up on the bed asleep. Emmett stripped down to his boxers and carefully lifted Selene, then placed her under the covers and then laid down behind her.

Selene's eyes slowly opened when she felt Emmett's arms wrap around her. She rolled over and threw her leg over his hip and snuggled into his chest and sighed, "I missed you, Teddy Bear."

"I missed you too, Baby."

Selene sighed, breathing in Emmett's scent. She closed her eyes and relaxed as Emmett rubbed her back soothingly. While Selene slept, Emmett thought about how he was going to be a father. Emmett was so excited and scared at the same time. Emmett didn't know if he would make a good father, but he knew that Selene would make an incredible mother. Selene had a great example in her mother, Sue, and Emmett could already tell by the way Selene treated her brothers and sister that she would make an excellent mother. The more Emmett thought of his little one, the more excited he became; he couldn't wait to welcome his baby into the world.

An hour later, Alice came downstairs to tell Emmett that dinner was ready. He gently woke up Selene and said to her that dinner was ready. Selene yawned and sat up, "How long was I asleep?"

"Only an hour."

"It felt longer."

"How do you feel?"

"Good, a little tired, very hungry," Selene said with a laugh, "This baby has increased my appetite."

"Well, then, let's get you something to eat," Emmett said.

He quickly got dressed and helped his little mate out of bed and get dressed as well. Selene and Emmett made their way upstairs, where Leah and Percy were waiting for them in the dining room. Jasper was sitting across from Percy, telling him about his time in the Confederate Army. Selene came in and sat down on the other side of Percy. Esme brought out the roast chicken with glazed carrots, scalloped potatoes, roasted tomatoes and mushrooms, and corn on the cob.

"I hope you like it," Esme said.

"It smells wonderful, Esme," Selene told her.

Emmett carved the chicken and gave some breast meat and a drumstick to Selene and then serves the others. Selene dished out the sides to her brother and sister, and they began to eat their meal. They complimented Esme on how good the food was. After dinner and dessert, Emmett suggested they watch a movie, but Percy and Selene were too tired. For them, it was very late, and they needed to get some sleep. Emmett and Selene went downstairs to their room, Where Selene changed into one of Emmett's shirts and got into bed. Emmett got in bed with Selene, he wrapped his arms around her and Selene snuggled into his chest then fell asleep.

The next day, Selene rushed to the bathroom; she barely made it in time to the toilet and emptied her stomach. Emmett was instantly there with her, holding her hair back and rubbing soothing circles on her back, "Are you alright, Babe?" Emmett asked as he hands Selene a glass of water.

Selene rinses out her mouth then sat down next to the toilet, "I'm fine, Emmett, I only have a little morning sickness."

Emmett frowned, "Are you sure you're alright," Emmett asked as he sat down next to his mate.

"Yeah, don't worry."

"Of course, I'm going to worry, Sel. You're my mate and are pregnant with my child."

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