Chapter 22 An Unexpected Meeting

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Everybody stared at Paul as he stood over Rosalie, protecting her from Selene. Rosalie was about to push the mutt away until the large wolf head turned and looked at her, and she was gone. Rosalie was lost in Paul's beautiful brown eyes. Rosalie slowly sat up with Paul putting his body under her arm and her grabbing onto his fur. Rosalie had never noticed how soft a wolf's coat could be, and how good they smelled, well, at least Paul did. He smelled like nature.

Selene watched as Rosalie shamelessly ran her fingers through Paul's fur and breathed in his scent. She couldn't believe that this was happening, a part of her wondered if Aphrodite had something to do with it. Selene sighed and tapped her trident on the ground, and it turned back into a bracelet. Suddenly, Selene heard Leah start laughing. She looked at her sister, who was leaning against Emmett laughing her ass off.

“Oh, this is too good. Two people that hate the other species so much and are now each other's mate.”

Paul and Rosalie scowled at Leah, causing her to laugh even harder. “They even have the same scowl, and Paul's a wolf!”

Selene looked at Paul and Rosalie and chuckled. They did look the same. Selene suddenly started getting light-headed, her eyes rolled back, and she passed out. Instantly, Emmett was there to catch her.

“No, no, no, no, Sel, come on open those beautiful green eyes. Come on, Baby. Carlisle, do something!”

Carlisle ran over and checked Selene's pulse. It was beginning to slow down, “There's nothing we can do, Emmett, the venom is already spreading.”

“NO! she can't turn, Carlisle! We have to do something.”

“Emmett, Selene isn't going to turn, demigods don't turn, they die.”


“You heard me. But Sel can be healed. You have to take her to the sea.”

“Are you crazy?! She's lost too much blood; she needs a transfusion.”

“Emmett, I know what I'm talking about. If you don't take her, I will. I promise it will heal her.”

Emmett stared at Leah for a few seconds, then nodded. He picked up his mate and took off running for First Beach. The Cullens want to go as well, but they couldn't cross the treaty line, “Nobody follows Emmett, he needs to do this alone,” Leah told everyone.

“Leah, what's going on, what did you mean a demigod?” Carlisle asked.

“I can't tell you, Carlisle. It's not my secret to tell. I'm sure Selene will inform you when she's better.”

He nodded and told his coven to follow him home, “Can Paul and I go as well, Carlisle?”

Carlisle hesitated. He sighed and nodded, “But when Emmett gets home with Selene, stay out of his sight.”

Paul and Rosalie both nodded and followed the Cullen Coven along with Seth and Leah.

Meanwhile, Emmett was running as fast as he could to First Beach. When he got there, he ran headlong into the water until he was submerged chest-deep. Emmett started washing the blood off of Selene's neck and out of her hair.

“Come on, Baby, come back to me. Please don't leave me.”

While Emmett was babbling and staring at Selene, he didn't notice that the sea started to rage and the water started to swirl next to him when he finally looked up he saw a figure made of water emerge from the water. Slowly the figure of water began to form into a man. Emmett's mouth fell open when he saw a man with black hair and a beard but with familiar-looking sea-green eyes walking towards him with an angry look on his face.

Sea Princess's Mate (Emmett Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now