Chapter 4 Enough Is Enough

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Emmett stood there, dazed and confused. He had seen a lot of things in his long life, but never anything like this. What was a manticore? Where did that beast come from? Why was it after the girl? And more importantly, who was that beautiful woman with the power to turn into a bird?

Emmett walked over to where the girl had been standing, he looked down and noticed that there was no trace of the beast that was there before, only a pile of dust. The wind shifted, and the dust was blown away. He would have thought that it was all a hallucination, if not for two reasons. One, he was a vampire and couldn't have illusions and two, the girl's scent lingered in the area.

Emmett closed his eyes and inhaled deeply; the smell was more concentrated where her blood had been spilled. Once again, Emmett's mouth started watering, and a sudden need started growing in him. A need to find this girl and make her his mate. It was such a primal need to have her that his pants tightened painfully at the thought. Never in his existence had he been so aroused by the mere thought of someone. Not even Rosalie could get such a reaction out of him.

At the thought of Rosalie, Emmett's fantasies about the strange dark-haired girl came crashing down. What was he going to do about Rosalie? The whole time that they'd been together, Emmett did not doubt that Rosalie was his mate. But now he comes to find out that he was wrong. Maybe that was the reason they clashed so frequently; they weren't meant to be together after all. The thought that he and Rosalie weren't supposed to be together saddened Emmett a little. Rosalie could be a sweet girl when she wanted to be, but that wasn't very often.

The more Emmett thought about it, the more he realized that their relationship had always been empty, based mostly on sex. What Emmett thought was love was only lust and the need for companionship. He cared for Rosalie, but he wasn't in love with her. And that certainly wasn't enough to tie him to her, especially now that he knew his real mate was out there somewhere.

Emmett started walking back towards the house, trying to decide what to do, halfway there, he came to the decision that he needed to end his relationship with Rosalie and get a divorce. Once that decision was made, Emmett felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He felt a million times better; though he knew that Rosalie was going to be pissed at him, he couldn't bring himself to care that much.

As the house came into view, Emmett noticed that Alice was waiting for him outside. She gave him a sad smile, "Are you sure you want to do this, Emmett?"

"Yeah, I can't be with Rosalie anymore, especially now."

Alice tilted her head, "What happened when you went hunting?"

Emmett looked at his sister, surprised, "What do you mean, what happened? I found my real mate."

Alice gasped, "What?!"

Emmett frowned, "You mean to tell me that you didn't know? Then why did you send me out hunting?"

"I knew something good was going to happen to you; I didn't know you were going to find your mate out there."

"You didn't see her at all?"

"No, I only saw flashes of you being happier than you've ever been. I did see flashes of someone with black hair and green eyes, but not enough to know that this girl was your mate."


"Yeah. Are you sure this girl, your mate, and not your blood singer, Emmett?"

"Without a doubt. When I caught my mate's scent, something inside me knew that this was the woman for me. I had this overwhelming urge to protect and love her. It's something I've never felt before."

What Emmett was describing was exactly what she and Jasper felt when they met. The more Emmett described it; the more Alice knew it was true; Emmett found his mate. Alice smiled at her brother, "I'm happy for you, Emmett, and I'll support you in any way I can."

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