Chapter 29 Revelations

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It took Jacob a couple of days to come to grips that he had no other choice but to stop seeing Bella. He cried and raged at the thought of not seeing the girl he loved, he even begged Jared to change his mind, but Jared was firm. There was nothing that Jacob could do. So with a heavy heart, Jacob finally gathered up his courage and called Bella.


“Hey, Bella.”

“What do you want, Jacob?”

“Look, Bella, I'm sorry about the other day. I was wrong; I shouldn't have kissed you by force. Can you ever forgive me?”


“Please, Bella. I need to see you one last time to say goodbye.”

“Goodbye, where are you going?”

The was a long pause.

“I've been forbidden from ever seeing you again.”

“What? Why?!”

“Because the Elders and Jared said that I assaulted you and what I did was not going to be taken lightly. They're sick of my obsession with you and Jared, and the Elders feel that this is the only way to stop it.”

“But, Jacob, you're my best friend, you can't stop seeing me. Can't you, I don't know, sneak out and see me?”

“No, Jared will know, and I'll be punished. This is it Bella; I can never see you again. But after thinking about it for a couple of days, I guess I deserve it.”

“What if I talk to Jared?”

“It won't help. You're not my imprint, Bella, we're not meant to be together, you and I have to accept that,” Jacob said, So, if it's okay, I'd like to go over and say goodbye to you in person.”

Bella sniffled, on the other end of the line, “What time can you come over?”

“I can go to school. How about I pick you up after school?”

“Okay, then I'll see you after school,” Bella said.

With that, Bella hung up the phone and got ready for school. When Edward arrived, she got in his Volvo, and they went to school. Edward noticed that Bella was unusually quiet that morning and asked her what the problem was.

“Jake can't see me anymore. He's been punished for assaulting me. Jared and the Elders have decided that he can't be anywhere near me anymore,” Bella explained to Edward.

“How did they find out about what Jacob did?”

“Selene told Jared that Jacob assaulted me.”

Edward didn't say anything, but on the inside, he was so happy, now he didn't have to deal with that idiot anymore. He was going to have to thank Selene for talking to Jared. Edward had to admit that it never occurred to him that what Jacob did would be considered assault, to him, it was more like stealing a kiss. But Edward supposed that nowadays it would no longer be appropriate to do such things.

“So, Jacob is going to pick me up after school so that I can see him one last time,” Bella told Edward.

“That's fine, Bella.”

“Thank you.”

For the rest of the day, Bella went through her classes in sort of a daze. She was going to miss Jacob. Bella realized that she was going to miss Jacob more than she thought. But she had to come to grips with the fact that their friendship, or whatever was between them, was over.

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