Chapter 40 Surprising News... Not

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Now the threat against Bella had been taken care of; life could go back to normal. Selene went to see her OB/GYN with Emmett and found out her pregnancy was progressing nicely and that there were no abnormalities. Selene and Emmett happily left with new pictures of their baby. When they got home, everyone was scattered about the house. Leah, Percy, Seth, and Paul were in the kitchen raiding the fridge. When Leah heard the front door open, she ran to the living room to find out what had happened. She had been so worried that something was wrong with her niece or nephew and that Selene would have to give up her baby. Leah knew that if she were forced to abort, it would kill her sister.

Leah slid to a stop before Selene and Emmett, anxiously awaiting the results, “Well, what happened?”

Selene and Emmett looked at each other, “Everything is fine. The baby is healthy and is the right size for the progression of the pregnancy,” Selene informed her siblings when they all arrived. Leah squealed and hugged her older sister, “Does that mean you get to keep the baby?”

“Yes, there are no vampiric traits,” Emmett said proudly.

“I knew there wouldn't be,” Poseidon said as he entered the house.

“DAD!!” Selene and Percy said simultaneously, and Selene rushed to hug her father, as did Percy.

“What are you doing here?” Selene questioned.

“I wanted to hear the good news in person and to tell you that your uncle is pleased that there are no vampiric traits in the baby. He wanted me to congratulate you.”

Selene beamed at her father, “Please thank Uncle for me. You have no idea how much I appreciate him letting me keep the baby.”

“Of course I do, Little Starfish. I know how much you and Emmett love this baby. I'm relieved that everything worked out. Now, I must go. I only want to stop by and congratulate you and Emmett,” Poseidon told his daughter. He hugged Percy, then hugged Selene again. As Poseidon walked toward the door then stopped in front of Emmett; Poseidon stared at him for a moment, then sighed and hugged him, “Congratulations to you too, Emmett, but if you hurt my daughter, I will strike you down in the most painful way I can think of.”

Emmett gulped, “Thank you, My Lord, and I promise I will never hurt Selene or your grandchild.”

Poseidon nodded, said goodbye to Leah and Seth, then left. The women gathered around Selene and ushered her away to start planning for everything she would need. Esme told Selene that if she and Emmett wanted to continue to live there, she could add another room in the basement for the baby's room. Selene told her she would discuss it with Emmett, but she didn't see a problem.

Meanwhile, Bella waited for Charlie to leave the house and invited Edward. They were in her bedroom, making out. Now that Edward knew he could control himself, sex became frequent, much to Bella's delight. When they finished, Bell lay in Edward's arms and kissed him, “I think we should get married as soon as possible,” She informed him.

Edward beamed at Bella and took an engagement ring out of his pocket, and placed it on her finger, “When do you want to get married?”

Bella pretended to think, “I don't want a wedding; let's go to Seattle and get married there. I want to be Mrs. Cullen before I start to show.”

Edward looked at Bella oddly, “Show, what do you mean to show?”

Bella sat up and covered her chest. She placed Edward's hand on her belly, “I'm pregnant, Edward; we're going to have a baby!” Bella said excitedly.

Dumbfounded, Edward stared at Bella, “I thought you were on birth control?”

“I stopped taking it. I want to have a family with you, Edward.”

Edward took Bella's hand, “Bella, this pregnancy could be dangerous. I don't think it's a good idea.”

Bella huffed, “If Selene can do it, so can I. Look, Edward, if you don't want this baby, fine, I'll raise them on my own.”

But Bella knew that Edward would never leave her, especially now. Because of his old values, Bella knew she had Edward trapped. He would never leave Bella to raise a child by herself. Edward got dressed and paced the room. He glanced at Bella, kneeled before her, and smiled, “Let's get married.”

Bella squealed and hugged her fiancee. They decided they weren't going to tell anyone. They would pack a few things and then head to Seattle. Edward quickly went home to pack, then grabbed his mother's ring. He got back in his car and went to Bella's house. Luckily Chief Swan wasn't there. Bella ran out of the house and got into the car. The couple happily sped off to Seattle.

It didn't take them long to find city hall and a judge that would marry them. By the afternoon, Bella Swan was now Bella Cullen. They spent a few days in Seatle enjoying their honeymoon, then returned to the Cullen house, where Alice ran out and began scolding the newlyweds.

“You got married?! Why didn't you let me plan your wedding?”

Bella sighed, “Because I wanted to get married, not have a circus for a wedding. That didn't matter to me; I only wanted to tie myself to Edward.”

Leah and Selene were in the house, listening. They looked at each other and rolled their eyes. The sisters knew Bella only married Edward to gain the family's attention. Everyone came outside and congratulated the newlyweds; Edward and Bella beamed at their family, and Bella announced she was pregnant. Selene looked at Rosalie, Percy, and Leah. Now it made perfect sense; Bella was jealous of Selene and wanted to upstage her.

Selene shrugged, shook Edward's, and then reluctantly hugged Bella, “Congratulations, you two.”

Bella smirked at Selene when no one was looking, “Thank you, Selene.”

‘Now I'll be a top priority for the Cullens,’ Bella thought.

Esme was ecstatic to have a new grandchild and immediately went to work designing the nursery. While this was going on, Paul and Rosalie left; she couldn't handle a pathetic human like Bella having the one thing she wanted more than anything. Paul kissed her head, “I wish I could give you what you want, Rose. Maybe we can adopt?”

Rosalie smiled and leaned her head against Paul's chest, and he wrapped his arms around her, “Thank you.”

“Anything for you, my love.”

They kissed and went for a walk in the woods.

Sea Princess's Mate (Emmett Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now