Chapter 31 Surprise!

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Selene and Percy gasped. Selene's hand immediately fell to her flat belly, "Please, Uncle, I beg you, don't make me kill my baby."

Zeus sighed, "Selene, that baby could endanger the lives of all the demigods and humans, especially if it cannot control its thirst. We cannot take that chance."

"But, Brother, the baby is also half demigod, there is more than a possibility that Selene's blood will be more powerful than the vampire's. You know that she is a powerful demigod. Please at least give the child a chance."

"And if the child turns out to be a monster, Selene?"

Selene closed her eyes as tears ran down her cheeks, "I will sacrifice my child myself."

"No, Sel, you can't do that," Percy exclaimed.

"What other choice do I have?"

Zeus watched the siblings argue, "I have a solution. If the child is a vampire, it will begin to show signs in the womb. You will weaken Selene, it will hurt you, and it will crave blood. And your pregnancy will progress quickly. If you have any of those symptoms., you will have to terminate the pregnancy. If the child is more demigod, you will have a healthy pregnancy, although shorter than a normal one, then you can keep your child. Is that fair?"

"Yes, Uncle, that's fair. I promise you that this child will not cause any problems."

"I hope not, Selene, for that is the best I can offer."

"I'll take it, Uncle, thank you."

Zeus only nodded.

After that, Poseidon hugged his son and daughter and walked them to the elevator, "I'll be checking up on you two as often as I can," Poseidon said.

"Okay, Dad."

Selene and Percy got in the elevator, as soon as the doors closed, Percy hugged his sister, "You get to keep the baby, I'm so happy. I'm going to be an uncle!"

"I hope I get to keep the baby."

"Don't worry, Sel, it's like Dad said, your blood is stronger. This kid is going to be a half demigod, maybe with a few vampire traits."

"You think so?"


"Thanks, Percy, for your support."

"Anytime, Sel."

They walked out of the Empire State building and took a cab back to Percy's apartment, where they told her what had happened, "He took it better than I thought," Selene told Sally.

"That's good. And Zeus?"

"That's a different story," Percy said.

Then they went on to explain what had happened and what the deal was that they made with Zeus. Sally looked at Selene sympathetically, "I'm sure everything will work out in the end, Selene. You have to believe that."

"I do, Sally, I know my child will be safe."

After that, Sally brought Selene and person turkey sandwiches since they missed dinner, and they talked for a while longer. After a while, Sally sent Percy to bed, and Selene went back to her hotel. She got back to the hotel and called Emmett, "Hey, Teddy Bear." Selene said.

"Hey, Babe, how was your day?"

"It was good. I spent most of the morning with Sally and Estelle; then we went to lunch with Percy when he got out of school at noon. After that, Percy and I went to go see my dad," Selene told her imprint.

"That's good."

"What did you do all day," Selene asked Emmett.

"Nothing, I played video games with Seth online, wrestled with Jasper for a while, then we went hunting with Leah."

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