Chapter 28 Punishment

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When the girls got home from shopping, they found Bella with Carlisle getting fitted with for a brace. Edward was looking at her with a worried look, “It's only a sprain, Edward, there's no need to worry,” Carlisle told him.

“What happened, Bella,” Selene asked.

“I sprained my wristed punching Jake in the face,” Bella explained.

“Why would you do that,” Leah asked.

“He kissed me.”

“And you didn't want him to?”

“Of course not,” Bella said indignantly.

“Well then good for you for hitting him. Next time don't tuck your thumb in your hand, or you might break it,” Selene said.

“How did you know I did that?”

“Rookie mistake,” Leah pointed out, then walked upstairs to put her things away.

“Don't worry, Bella; I'll call Jared, and Jared will punish Jake for forcing himself on you,” Selene said.

“You don't have to do that.”

“It's only right; Jake can't assault you like that, no matter how ‘In love’ he is with you.”

“If you think that's for the best.”

“Yeah, I do,” Selene said.

“Is he going to get into a lot of trouble,” Bella asked.

“I would think so,” Selene told Bella.

Bella could only nod; she knew that there was no changing Selene's mind. And she knew that what Jake did wasn't right. Otherwise, she wouldn't have punched him.

Selene smiled at the girl and then left to put her things away. While she was downstairs, Selene decided to call Jared and tell him what Jake did to Bella, “Are you serious,” Jared asked.

“Yep, Jaked assaulted Bella.”

There was a long pause.

“I'll take care of it, Selene.”

“Thank you, Jared.”

Meanwhile, Seth, Emmett, and Jasper were sitting by the fire outside Seth's tent talking. Seth was discovering that the Cullens weren't nearly as bad as Sam had made them out to be. Sure Seth understood that not all vampires were like the Cullens, but the Cullens were definitely not the monsters that Sam had made them out to be. Once again, Seth was glad that Jared was Alpha now; he was more objective than Sam.

The vampires were telling Seth how old they were and how they were turned, Seth was fascinated with the stories that Jasper was telling him about the Civil War, “That's so cool, Jasper, maybe you can help me with my history homework when we get to the Civil War, Just like Selene help me with Ancient Greece.” Seth said.

Jasper chuckled, “Yeah, I'd be happy to help you, Seth.”

“What about me? I can help you, too, you know?” Emmett said, crossing his arm like a petulant child.

Jasper and Seth started laughing at Emmett's antics. When the laughing died down, Seth thanked Jasper and Emmett for taking him camping, “Thank you, you guys, I needed this. I didn't realize how stressed out I was. That hunt helped a lot.”

“It's our pleasure, Seth. Anything for my mate's family.”

“About that, how do you plan on handling Percy, Emmett?”

“Very carefully. Selene told me that he's going to be even more overprotective of her that you are. She may have to go to New York and explain to Percy about everything that's happened,” Emmett said.

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