Chapter Eight - Dreaming of Charisma

Start from the beginning

"What exactly are you doing?" Sakura said finally, having finished her inspection.

"What do you mean?" I said pleasantly, hoping this wasn't going to turn into another interrogation about medical stuff that I had no idea about.

"Whatever you were doing, that's not medical ninjutsu," Sakura said firmly.


"No refunds sorry," I said cheekily.

Sakura huffed and tried again.

"You didn't even use a diagnostic technique to check what type of damage it was, or where," Sakura said confusedly.

I glanced over at Kakashi for help, but he just raised his one visible eyebrow at me.

"Diagnostic techniques are for amateurs?" I tried weakly.

Sakura scoffed.

"Tsunade of the Sannin, the best medical ninja in the entire world," Sakura said offended, "uses diagnostic techniques."

"I guess she's the second-best then," I said cheekily, unable to help myself.

Sakura looked shocked and appalled at my comment before we were interrupted by the return of Naruto with Lee.

"Sora-kun!" Lee said cheerfully, "Naruto-kun has informed me you wish to heal me!"

I nodded, I might have a crack at the left-over Shattered Bones Status Effect while I was at it. I'd give it a try, but I would have to use Status Removal.

"Yep, is that alright with you?" I asked easily.

"Of course!" Lee said cheerfully.

I smiled at his exuberance, and held out my hand, Lee took it without a moment's hesitation.

"Hm." I hummed and narrowed my eyes.

He was only down about 200 hp, so it didn't take awfully long to get him back to full.

"I feel much better!" Lee said amazed, "Thank you, Sora-kun!"

I didn't let go of his hand yet.

"Lee," I said thoughtfully, "There's something wrong with your left hand, and your left leg? Something's up with your chakra as well."

Lee's eyes widened and glanced around at the others quickly before looking back to me.

"An old injury that has long since healed," Lee said honestly but made no mention of the chakra thing. "There was some permanent damage left in those areas, at least that's what I was told.

"Mind if I take a crack at fixing it?" I asked curiously and Lee looked hesitant for a moment before nodding.

I used Status Removal and smiled at the result.

Health Points - 1314/1322(1500)

Chakra Points - 9/1070

His limited maximum health rose by eight points, while his chakra rose by the same, I guess I could fix things like this after all.

"How long have we got until we go to get Michiru?" I asked easily, already dropping into Meditate once more.

"Twenty minutes at the latest," Kakashi said immediately. "Why?"

Lee was looking very curious.

"I can fix the old damage," I said honestly, "but I need about fifteen minutes or so?"

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