Chapter Six - Dreaming of Doctors

Start from the beginning

I expanded the prompt for status effects.

Petrified - The afflicted body is pervasively turned to stone.
Effect: Paralysed affected body parts, damage scales depending on the location of petrification.
Afflicted Area: Lower half.

I assumed that it meant that the damage changed based on which organs were turned to stone. If his heart were petrified he would probably be dead in under a minute, but just his legs only did enough damage for him to die slowly of the course of a couple of days, what a horrible way to go.

"You are probably going to die in the next hour if nothing is done." I said honestly, "Do I have your permission to heal you?"

I moved my hand to hover over his chest and the man watched me with sharp eyes but made no move to stop me, whether through weakness or trust I didn't know.

"You have my permission," Kakeru said weakly.

I cast Heal and slowly starting feeding Mana into the spell, making sure it didn't interact weirdly with the petrification in any way.

"Oh." Kakeru rasped, "Are you one of the ninja escorting my son?"

I shook my head again.

"No," I said simply. "I'm not a ninja at all. At least I don't think so, anyway. I found myself on this island over a month ago, with no memory of how I arrived here, or of anything else really."

Kakeru watched me quietly, and I could see his face becoming less pale with every passing second as his health ticked upwards. I used my other hand to push the blanket covering his body out of the way. The man's entire lower half, from halfway up the right side of his chest down to his toes, was entirely made of a cracked and chipped stonelike material.

There was dried blood where the stone met his flesh, and I had absolutely no idea how he wasn't dead yet. Heal had done absolutely nothing to cure the petrification either, and his health was already ticking very slowly down again. I would need to make a cure spell of some kind, luckily enough for me, there were hundreds of those in video games I could try and emulate.

"How did you come to find me here?" Kakeru said quietly, sounding much more aware of his surroundings now.

I lost my train of thought around the point that I remembered 'Esuna' from final fantasy, it removed petrify in one of the games along with basically everything else, and it was cheap to cast. This probably meant that here it would cost way too much here, at least judging by everything else I'd tried to make so far.

"I saw the fighting in the city, and noticed some men guarding this area, they left so I thought I would check it out." I said distractedly, "Who are you anyway, and what's going on here exactly?"

Kakeru's health finally reached maxed out, his skin was no longer pale and had a healthy shine to it, although he now had a pained grimace on his face, I'm glad he was the one on the bed and not me, it looked pretty painful. I moved my hand down to rest against the petrified area and started pushing mana into my hand.

Kakeru was silent as he studied my face carefully.

"I am King Kakeru Tsuki of the Land of the Moon." Kakeru said simply, "There was an attempt by my minister, Shabadaba, to kill me."

I glanced up at his face feigning curiosity.

"Shabadaba? What a silly name," I said amused, "Do all Kings in the Land of the Moon have stone legs Or is it just a Kakeru thing?"

Kakeru huffed out a breath in what might have been either amusement or annoyance, he was rather hard to read if I was being honest.

"It is a Kakeru thing, as you say. Shabadaba hired three ninjas to kill me, one of them did this with some kind of ninja technique coming from his hand." Kakeru said dryly, "Whatever you have used to heal me, I feel much more alive than before, but the pain has returned along with it."

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