Meet the Easterbrooks prt.1

Start from the beginning

"Joey she's a smart girl where did you find her?" She says.

"Ma, leave her alone."

In an instant, she lets go of me and Joey is on the ground begging for mercy.

"Ma I didn't mean it. Don't hit me!"

I am going to love this month.

"Get up! Go help your father in his shop." She orders him and he gets up nodding.

Joey tried to take my hand and Elena slaps his hand. "I said go! I'll watch her."

Joey eyes me closely before walking away silently.

I am pulled inside a beautiful home. And there are a lot of people in this place. It's like 7:45 in the morning why are there so many people up?

A young boy approaches me, "you're Isabella Jackson, the one who was on tv with Joey."

"Isabella Jackson?" Multiple other people question. All of a sudden I don't see Elena anymore.

I chuckle softly. I am feeling shy, "Hey everyone, yes I'm Isabella Jackson-"

"So you're the girl sleeping with my brother," I turn around to see a girl glaring at me.

I begin laughing, "if you think I'm sleeping with Joey I think you are funny. Joey and I don't get along outside of track and field. You must be his younger sister?"

"It's Olivia."

"Well, Olivia I can assure you that Joey and I do not have an intimate relationship." I try to reassure her.

She walks up to me and whispers, "I see you near him and I'll have it out for you."

I think not!

I smile at her, "the only reason he's here is that I told him I would come and monitor him. I am his trainer and I respect myself. I'm not some girl you can walk over, so f-" my mouth is covered. I tilt my head up to see Joey.

"Princess don't finish that sentence." He lets go.

"I don't like this, can you go change, people will think this was planned." I hiss at him. Wait a damn minute, "I thought you left?"

"I saw my dad and he said that I should go home because my sister is planning on killing you." He looks at Olivia.

"Joey you cannot be serious." He's trying to scare me.

Olivia touches my head, "nice hair who did it. Aaliyah?" She's so fake.

"No Joey did." I chime.

Several people around us gasp including Olivia. Why does the world hate me today? First Bruno, now Olivia?

Joey summons his mother and all three of them have what seems like an argument in Spanish.

I try slipping away yet Joey tightens his hold on me. He leans towards my ear, "Princess, you won't get away so easily."

During this moment I realize that Joey's Canadian accent is fake. He has a natural Spanish accent.

I kind of like it.

"Can we go train before I go insane," I whisper to him.

The argument continues.

"Yes but I think you'd want to change first." He gently pulls me away, avoiding contact with all people.

We walk down a couple of halls and make it to a room.

We walk inside and I immediately assume that it's his childhood bedroom.

"Your bags are on the bed, you can change through that door, it's a bathroom. I'm sorry about my sister, she's a bit possessive over me, she thinks she knows all that's best for me and what not."

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