chapter 26

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omg wassup guys

look i updated are y'all proud of me

chile anyways this is long af so

have fun

bye bitches, enjoy the story


Ebun walked in silence as she reached her locker, a smile completely emitted from her face. Seeing Alejandro at his locker, she jogged up to him after she had put her stuff away.


"Oh my god, Ebun, do you have any idea where Reva is?"

"I was literally about to ask you the same thing."

"What?! So you don't know where she is?"

"No dumbass, what did I just say."

"Anyway," Ebun continued. "I hope she's ok. My mom didn't let me leave the house last night and I woke up late this morning so I had no time to check Reva's house. But she's probably there so let's try not to worry too much."

"She's not there though!"

"The fuck?! How is she not there?!"

"I went there this morning and her mom said she wasn't home!"

"Oh god, then where the hell is she?" Ebun worried.

"I don't know!" Alejandro said, close to tears.

"Guys, any idea where Reva is?"

Ebun and Alejandro spun around, seeing Mattia with a concerned look on his face.

"That's what we're tryna figure out." Ebun said.

"I'm praying to god nothing happened to her. What if Chase somehow got to her again?"

"Ale, don't think like that." Mattia reprimanded.

"Yeah, sorry."

"You're good, man."

"I've literally called her so many times, and I'm guessing you two have as well."

Mattia and Alejandro nodded.

"I even texted her on iMessage and Instagram! There's absolutely no way she hasn't seen it."

"Same bruh, what the fuck."

~flashback of last night~

Reva unlocked her front door, ignoring the greetings of her parents and ran straight upstairs.


"Reva what are you doing?"

"Is everything ok?"

She ignored everything.

Once she was in her room, she threw her bag onto the floor in anger and collapsed onto her bed.

"Why me?" she whispered to herself.

"Why. Fucking. Me."

She let out a loud sob, not wanting to cry but her eyes were already betraying her, the tears falling down her cheeks like raindrops falling down the window pane on a rainy day.

Her phone constantly rang, but she made no attempt to answer it. She made no attempt to do anything. Just lie there. Crying. All energy gone from her body. And for the first time in her life, there was no one to go to.

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