chapter 4

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Alejandro slowly removed his hands from Reva and she did the same.

"Woah," she whispered. "I was not prepared for that."

"Sorry," he whispered back.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds until Ebun's loud (as fuck) voice brought them out of their thoughts.

"Okay guys, show's over! Would everyone please kindly fuck off?"

The large crowd of people groaned but eventually vanished, and then Ebun stomped over to Josh's body on the floor.

"And as for you," she snarled. "Don't come near us again. You've already gotten a taste of what we can do to you, so if I were you, I wouldn't wanna make that any worse. Do you know who my boyfriend is?" jabbing her acrylics in his bruised face.

Josh slowly nodded.

"Yeah. Mattia Polibio. He can fuck you up real good. And as well as beating your ugly ass, he can get you expelled from this damn school. And as much as you would like to get out of this shithole, I don't think your parents would be pleased, would they? So do us all a favour and get your big, fat, white, nasty, smelling ass the fuck outta here."

She delivered a painful slap to his face, making him hiss.

"Scram, bitch."

And with that, Josh scrambled to his feet and limped away.

Turning back to Alejandro and Reva, she saw them both with their mouths wide open, staring at her.

"What? I can be scary when I want to, ya know?"

"Damn, girl." Alejandro whistled.

"You really have some fire." Reva grinned.

"What can I say?" Ebun smirked. "I'm fierce."

The three of them all laughed until it eventually died down and they were lefty awkwardly staring at each other.

"So......" Ebun started.

"So...." Reva repeated.

"What do we do now?" Ebun queried. "You guys have already made the relationship public and official and everything, we just start from here?"

"I mean, I guess?" Alejandro inputted. "Third period is probably gonna start soon and me and Reva have English next so," he turned to Reva. "We should stay extra close? And act all lovey-dovey and all that shit."

Reva nodded in agreement.

"Sounds like a plan."

The two looked at each other with smiles on their faces when suddenly, Ebun laughed.

"What's so funny?" Alejandro questioned.

"I swear to fucking god  if at any point I turn into a third wheel, imma beat both of your asses, you get that?"

Reva laughed and Alejandro rolled his eyes with a grin.


He held out his hand and offered it to Reva.

She took it gratefully, and the three of them walked closer to the school building to be in time for their next lesson.

~~5 minutes later~~

"An enjambment is the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza."

It was now third period: English with Mr Whitworth.

Alejandro and Reva sat far at the back (that's where they sat for pretty much all their lessons together) and were exchanging little notes to each other. One of them read 'Hey babe, you look fine as hell today.'.

Reva giggled as she read the note, finding this dating thing hilarious but cute, and then quickly scribbled one of her own on a pink post-it note: 'Thanks babe, you look pretty damn handsome too♡".

She leaned across her desk and was about to pass the note over to Alejandro when Mr Whitworth comes out of fucking nowhere snatches it right out of her hand.

"I'll be taking that, thank you very much."

Reva sat with her mouth half open, staring as her message was lost from her grip.


Alejandro's eyes widended and shot a quick side glance to Reva, looking sympathetic, but she couldn't do anything. Mr Whitworth took one quick glance at the post-it note in his hand and scoffed, crumpling up the pink piece of paper. He walked to the front of the classroom and threw it in the bin.

"Next time," he started. "Try not to send love letters to your boyfriend, okay Reva?"

The whole damn classroom erupted in laughter, and several comments were thrown out:

"Damn, a few hours into the relationship and they're already writing love letters?!"

"Not gonna lie, I really stan this."


"Me too!"

"Next thing you know, they're gonna be hosting a 'just got married' party!"

Reva's face flared up in embarrassment and Alejandro gave her an apologetic look.

Mr Whitworth cleared his throat in annoyance and successfully got the attention of the students.

"Alright everyone, calm down. Can everybody go to page 122 in their textbooks please, and read the text in silence."

As the room quieted down, Reva slouched back in her seat, feeling everyone's eyes burning into her back.

This was gonna be a long day.

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