Authors note

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So this is a story created by not only me but my Beautiful cousin who is right at this second trying to find a Title for her story, go give her love and go read her story she Is That_One_Sad_Kid206 we are Currently on call time is now 5 hours 21 minutes and 30 seconds, She is working really hard on her story and I have to thank her so very much for drawing these characters! My cousin is honestly one of the best people in my life, she has been there for me since day 1 and I just have to publicity pronounce that, Lacie, I love you so much and you mean the world to me, thank you for all the trouble you have gone through just to be yourself and i look up to you for that... you an amazing person and your beautiful, thank you so much BTW, I read this out loud to her to make sure she is okay with me saying these things and also saying her name, so I do have permission thank you guys so much for all of your support and please dont forget to go visit my cousins account and give her a follow, she dosnt have anything up yet but I'm sure she will publish something, I love you guys and please enjoy the story  thank you ❤❤❤

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