Back to School

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Shinsou snuck Denki out of his house early Monday morning, they walked together all the way to the school, the electric boy seemed to have bounced back to his old self overnight. Shinsou smiled slightly as he pointed stuff out to him, every once in a while reminding him that they are going to school. 

Denki's wrist was the only injury left to heal other than a minor limp, it was a small fracture, he wore a black brace but it didn't slow him down. Shinsou had to grab the boy by his shirt and pull him out of the street. "Where did you get all this energy?" He mutters to himself, wrapping an arm around his waist to keep him out of traffic.

"My quirks. How much farther?" Denki asks leaning into his purple friend. "Just around the corner." They turn the corner and Denki comes to a complete stop ignoring Shinsou light tugs to get him moving again, he shakes his head before walking again. 'He's not there keep walking.' He repeats in his head till he's on campus.

"What was that?" He asks while Denki leaned into him. "Thought I saw someone."


Shinsou walked Denki all the way to his class room. "You sure you want to go to class today?" He asks looking down at the brace on Denki's arm, Kaminari nods already opening the door with his other hand. Once the door opened all the students jumped on to the electric user nearly fell backward, but he was caught by a teacher.

"Denki Kaminari." Aizawa says pushing the others off of him. "Mind tell what the hell you were thinking when you ran away?" He asks getting dangerously close to his face. "And Shinsou," He turns to his son. "Why didn't you tell anyone when you found him? His parents are worried sick and you're hiding him!" He yells, Shinsou looks down at his feet. "Sorry." He whispers.


Denki sat alone with his parents in the staff room of UA. He flinched away from his fathers hand. "Keep your hands off me or I'll tell them everything." He threatens getting off the couch, he stands in the corner of the room. Principal Nezu soon cam into the room followed by All Might, Aizawa, and Recovery Girl. "So, lets discuss." Nezu says folding his paws.


Denki stood next to Hizashi while Aizawa talked to his parents. School had just ended for the day, and they were outside, the teen just wanted to go to his dorm room but his parents wanted to talk him home for the day. He looked up at his English teacher, he could tell him, Yamada would be able to help, but he couldn't find the words, instead he just whispered. "Don't let them take me." It was quiet but Mic did look down at him.

"What? Why not? They're your family." He says tilting his head and looking over at the two other blondes. "I-I can't tell you." He mutters looking down. "Not in front of them." Mic nods and walks him back into the building.

"What is it Denki?" He asks leaning down slight to be at the same height as him, Denki looks at the ground messing with his sleeves. "He's mad at me." Denki whispers. "I don't- I can't be around him like that. Please." He says rubbing his arms. "Why? What does he do?" The English teacher asks putting a hand on the teens shoulder.

Denki panicked and stared at the floor. 'Oh god what have I done!' He thought to himself. 'I can't tell him what he's done to me! Lie! Lie! Lie!'

"He yells, I can't take it, he gets so loud." He says, not a total lie but better than the whole truth. "Okay, okay."


Denki, Kirishima and Bakugo had been paired but against Deku, Tsu, and Idia. "Denki take Tsu, Kiri on Deku you can take his hits until I take out Idia." Bakugo says quietly to his group.

Denki looks at Tsu, sparks glistening off of his body, he motions for her to come at him. She holds here ground as they circle each other, her tongue flops out of her mouth. Deku mid swing at Kirishima, flicks a blast at Denki, the air throws the electric user back.

Denki hits a wall he jumps off it. "Bakugo, Kiri!" He yells charging up his electrical surge attack, he runs toward Tsu, Bakugo slides under Idia's swing and over to Kirishima and Deku. He grabs his red haired boyfriend then uses an explosion to get them in the air just as Denki release the waves of energy.

Tsu and Idia fall to the ground paralyzed by the electricity, Deku was still standing when Bakugo lands. He looks down at the green haired boy, he places a hand on his shoulder and pushes him down. Denki limps over to them. "How'd I do?" He asks as Kiri wraps an arm around him. "Amazingly, you okay bro?"

"Yup, didn't land right against the wall."

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