standing on the edge

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"Taylor this is a bad idea. Go home," Taylor was determined to get answers. He had questions that wouldn't be answered in the trial.

It comforted Taylor to see Lukas being brought in wearing orange.

"Is she here?" Was the first thing Lukas said. Taylor's stomach churned at the sound of his voice, remembering the last time he'd heard it.

"No," he let out. "Why...why did you–"

"She spoke about you a lot, you know. A few nights after we first hooked up, we got drunk and I asked her why she was so sad. She told me that she was angry because she couldn't figure out why no one wanted her. Then she told me about you and Chad and Josh and I decided I would never let her feel unwanted with me."

Taylor had to grip onto his wrist to stop him from standing and punching him.

"Was it your plan all along? To get her to trust you and then ruin everything?"

"I showed her she was wanted. She ruined it. No one told her to react the way she did. No one told her to break up with me." Taylor decided not to comment on the fact that they weren't even dating.

"She hates you, you know?" Taylor just wanted to say something that would get under his skin. "She never loved you."

"But I won, didnt I?" He leaned back in his chair with an arrogance that made Taylor's blood boil. "How is she now? She was a mess after that night, I can't imagine how she's feeling now," He laughed a bit too. "You should've seen her face when she saw me in the crowd. She looked terrified."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Taylor spat.

"She's so hot. You know that. She spent the whole evening sitting on my lap and laughing with my friends and flirting with me. And in that skirt? How was I supposed to resist?"

Lukas thought back to every time he had looked into a woman's terrified eyes. It felt like some sort of disgusting addiction, but he loved it too much to stop.

"I wouldn't have done anything if she hadn't—"

"It wasn't her fault! No one told you to fucking rape her!" Lukas glanced to the guard.

"Yeah, and no one told you to break her heart, and look what happened," Lukas was oddly confident considering he didn't even know Hayley personally when her and Taylor broke up.

"Tell Hayley I love her and I miss her. I'm really excited to see her at the trial," he stood and walked to the guard, who took the hint and escorted him out. Taylor left only angrier than he came in, wondering how someone could be so cold hearted.

When he arrived home, Zac was there waiting.

"What did you do?" He quickly questioned.

"I asked if he planned to do this all along, then he gave some bullshit reasons as to why it was all her fault," Zac frowned at this. "Is she okay?" Taylor hadn't been over since last week.

"She's about the same. Barely talks, I can't imagine how shes feeling about the trial. Her moms over there now, I'm gonna head over tomorrow.

Hayleys mom could barely look at her because everytime she would, she would tear up.

"You don't need to worry about seeing him outside of the courtroom. He's going to be with police at all times and we're going to take extra measures to make sure you don't even pass each other." Hayley said nothing in reaction.

She felt like she didn't know how to handle her feelings anymore. Pushing them away got her into this mess, but now she was allowing herself to feel the emotions, she felt so broken. It wasn't just the weight of this. All the emotions from her break up came crashing down on her too, and now she felt more unloved than ever.

"Have you considered going to therapy?" The officer asked. Hayley still said nothing. She was much too fixated on what the next week would be like — having to see him in court. She was much more scared to hear him testify than to testify herself. She knew he was going to blame her for everything, and although she already knew, hearing it in person would make her lose it.

With her mom and the cop both watching her, she felt like she was suffocating, and so left her seat and walked to the kitchen, letting the blanket fall from her shoulders. They both stared as she left.

She stared emptily into the fridge, feeling too sick to eat.

"Are you okay?" Her mom put her hand on her arm. Hayley was thinking especially about Taylor today. For once, her mind was distracted from Lukas. It didn't make it any better, though.

She looked to her mom, the tears bubbling up.

"Why didn't Taylor want me?" She whispered. Her mom gasped and hugged her.

"No, don't say that. You know that break up wasnt sincere. You need to talk to him—"

She shook her head, pulling away. "I can't," her voice broke with her words. "Not like this. It's too much, mom, it's too—" her head turned around the sound of the door knocking. Hayley's mom left to get it, then returned with Zac and Taylor.

"Hey, how are you?" Zac asked. She looked at Zac, but after catching Taylor's eye and almost breaking down crying, she decided to avoid any eye contact. Her mom started talking to them  about the trial when Hayley didn't answer.

Hayley just wanted to be back to normal. How things were before Taylor's depression and before she met Lukas and before there were any horrible feelings.

Sorry for the short break, been a bit busy

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