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for a long time, I thought, that was it. That was the ending of this story. but I have since learnt a lot of new things about life that I only wish I could go back in time and tell myself, and one of those things is that time never stops. There is no ending to trauma, to heartbreak, and most importantly, to recovery. Just because the story was over didn't mean that it was over for me. To this day, almost three years after I finished this, it is still not over. but time has continued to move forwards, and so have I. what once were traumatising memories are now just memories. and although the ending of this book was true to me at one point, since then, I have a new perspective and a new truth.

I've been to-ing and fro-ing about what direction I would take a sequel in, if it were necessary, but today, after months of just thinking about it, I've finally put pen to paper (or words to screen but you get it). it's a journey that we will all embark on together. You, me, and everyone in the story.

these characters deserve to heal and so do I.

'When I Let Go' will be coming very soon. much love <3

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