It wasn't awful; they both had a good time, and the restaurant wasn't ridiculously fancy, which was good. He did many of the typical and expected chivalries, which Nini didn't mind too much, but she definitely would find annoying later on. They were both engaged in the conversation and were laughing quite a bit. Overall, it was a fun night. The only thing was Nini couldn't see a future with him.

Blake didn't know the history behind their lives. EJ, thankfully, hadn't let anything slip. Blake knew she had kids but was clueless about the past. But he didn't push anything and only talked about what was going on now.

At the end of the date, they had agreed to just stay as friends.

Anyway, back to the twins.

"Jayden, you can't control your sister's life," Nini warns him.

"Why are you on her side for this?" he complains.

"Because Kevin's not a bad guy. Besides, you guys have known him since first grade. I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner."

Lauren cringes at her mom's words. "Ew, gross, no. Let's not put it like that."

Kevin has known the twins for most of their lives. He's become very close with all of them, and Nini gets along with his parents very well. "I don't care how long we've known him. It's still weird that she's going on a date with him."

"I didn't flip out when you finally asked Mia out." Jayden's face turns red, knowing she's right. Another person who's known the Salazar-Roberts family for years.

"Mom, when did lolas let you start dating?"

"Ew, you want to know about Mom's dating life?! You really have lost it," Lauren says.

Nini can't help but laugh at the pairs' bickering. "Why do you want to know?" she asks Jayden.

"Because I think it's weird that Lauren's dating."

"We're the same age! Why does it matter so much to you?!"

"Lauren, he's just acting like the stereotypical brother. That personality trait isn't going anywhere any time soon." She turns to Jayden before talking again. "And lolas let me start dating at fifteen." Technically, her moms didn't care when she started dating because they always knew Ricky would be her first. They only had that age restriction in case she went out with anyone they weren't familiar with.

Nini goes into the kitchen to figure what to have for dinner with Lauren following behind her. Jayden rolls his eyes, not getting the answer he was hoping for. "Now drop this topic and don't argue about stupid stuff like this anymore. There's no point," Nini says, looking through cabinets.

"Uuugh, fiiine," Jayden says, dragging out his words.

"Y'know, I don't know what we're having for dinner. Might just order a pizza. Anyway, I'm gonna go get Madison now. Don't break anything," Nini says, moving to get her stuff together. Carlos and Seb were having a date night, and their usual sitter canceled.

"We know all the rules!" Lauren shouts after her.

"Kay! Bye, love you both!" she yells before leaving.

"So... Kevin," Jayden says.

"Oh my god, would you chill?"

"Fine, fine."

Jayden let his mind wander, trying not to think about his sister's life. Lauren was aimlessly scrolling through her phone, not really paying attention to what was on the screen.

Just then, the strangest thought came to Jayden. "Wait, isn't it weird that we don't know much about Mom's past?"

Lauren looks at him like he's crazy. She's 99.99% sure he is, but that's not important right now. "Huh? What are you talking about? She shares stories with us all the time. And we see her friends on an almost daily basis," she reasons.

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