chapter 10

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Anna's <POV>

WHERE THE HELL AM I????? the question keeped running through my head.ok ok I can do this just breath just breath..... ok. so I opened the door again I stepped out tip toeing trying to make as little as possible. I got to the bus driver, "Uhmm can you stop at the next exit,the toilet is broken and I reeeeeaaaallllyyyy need to go" I said acting like am about to piss myself."sure thing give me a minute" he said, 2 minutes later the bus came to a stop at a gas station near the woods.

I step out of the bus And thanked the driver, I walked normal until I heard someone yelling in the bus "where the HELL did she go, why did you let her out" I hear a voice yell. that's when I started to run in the direction of the woods, "there she is, she's running towards the woods" another voice said, that caused me to run even faster if possible. I hear foot steps running after me, I got deep in to the woods when I got to a stop and head behind a tree so I can catch me breath.

"where did she go,she was just here" one voice said,"I don't know man she was just here" the second said."just look for her" I was trying to keep my breathing under control. that's when I felt a hand on my mouth and pulled me over someones shoulder. "let go of me... let go of me" I screamed punching the persons back I kicked my legs. "claim down am not going to hurt you" he said, causing me to freak out even more I screamed at the top of my lungs, "someone Help me, am being kidnapped, someone please help me". the two voices just laughed " we are helping you, you dummy, we're saving you" he jumped causing me to hit my head on his back.

"who the HELL are you, you psycho LET ME GOOOOOOOO" I screamed again."stop screaming we're just trying to help. we'll explain everything to you when we get to the bus". oh my god am going to get raped "let me go, I don't wanna get raped,SOMEONE HELP ME". "HOW THE HELL IS NO ONE OUT ON A FUCKING FRIDAYS NIGHT" I said, that cause the two guys to burst out laughing.

"what so damn funny, Oh My god your ganna Rape me and then your ganna kill me and bury my body somewhere no one will ever find me" I screamed yelling louder and punching and kicking as hard as I can. "claim down, gush your hurting me ,we're not going to kill you" we about to finally get to the bus when someone said "Zayn, louis what the HELL happened". wait a minute "ZAYN LOUIS WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS PUT ME DOWN YOY PSYCHO BASTEREDS LET ME GO, your all fucking crazy put me down" I screamed. we got in to the bus when zayn dropped me on the couch.

"what the HELL is going on, why did you guy kidnap me, if its money you guys what then....." that's when liam interrupted me "we don't want money we wanted to help me". "help me you guys kidnap me" when I finished me comment I looked over to zayn, when I saw hurt in his eyes. "we wanted to save you from that evil bitch that hurts you, thats all I ever wanted to do" Zayn said, a sad look appeared on his face breaking our eye contact. " why did you guys just say so I would have ran away willingly, at least that way I had all my stuff" I said,I was mad the just kidnap me "you guys kidnap me for god sake why would you do that to, you guys scared the Shit out of me"

" I thought I was going to get raped and murdered, you guys are fucking crazy" I said let's some tears escape from my eye.I just get up and head towards the door that leads to the beds."Oh and what about Lilly she probably already called the SWAT team to look for me" I said not wanting to look at any of the boy before I walked in zayn said " we took care of her" I walked in and shut the door.

I laid in the same bed I woke up in I don't know who's bed it was but ,it was someone's bed. I spent most of that day in that bed, not wanting to see or talk to anyone.

that's when I heard a soft knock on the door before someone opened the door and came in, quickly closin the door behind them. I looked up and saw worry in his eyes....... why did he care........

kidnapped by one direction (Zaynmalik fan fiction)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now