Chapter 44

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Yumi's POV

It was already the next morning, I was sitting in the room next Yona was had her back revealed to Yoon so he could apply medicine. I started to take off my own bandages on my hand so I could apply medicine on it. "Nee-san, how's your hand?" Yona asked worriedly. "It's fine, just can't pick up things with my right hand for a while. Besides, you should worry about yourself. You got slashed on the back." I told Yona while applying medicine which kind of stings. "I don't care. Nee-san, how are you going to use the things you need like that? That's your dominant hand." Yona asked. "Good question... I'll manage somehow." I answered. 'Good thing I'm ambidextrous. Just never used my left hand as my dominant hand in front of them though.' "I know! When we eat, I can feed you!" Yona said happily. 'Huh, why are you so happy about that?' I questioned in my mind. "Ahaha... no need. Plus your injured too. Right? Yoon." I asked completely ignoring the fact that Hak was sitting there.. "Yumi's correct Yona. You should focus on getting well." Yoon stated. Yona just pouted not really happy about not being able to feed me, like why though? The door then opened. "I've returned, Princesses." Kija said walking through the door. "Welcome back." Yona said turning to the door still having her back revealed. "M-my apologies! I'll quickly excuse myself." Kija said blushing. Jae-Ha then popped out behind Kija, "Yona dear, can I come in?" Jae-Ha asked with a closed eye smile. 'What a pervert.' I thought getting the bandages while Kija was yelling at Jae-Ha said that he can't but it didn't matter since Yona told him to come in and asking him if he found out anything. "Well, you see..." Jae-Ha started. "Hey! Jae-Ha!" Kija yelled. "Are you all right, Miss? Zeno will apply your medicine for you." Zeno said. "I've already applied it." Yoon said bluntly. "Then I'll bandage you." Jae-Ha said. "Can you people please back away?" Kija asked covering his blushing face with his hands. "Yare, yare. So troublesome.'

"Did you find out Hiyou's location, Droopy Eyes?" I heard Hak asked. I look at him and so him munching on food while staring at Yona. "Yeah, I made one of his henchmen we captured from Suirei spit it out. He actually owns multiple stores in not only Shisen but also in Sensui. Using that as base..." Jae-Ha reported. "Well, isn't that really helpful information." I said wrapping more bandages on my hand to my wrist. "Hak, turn your head around." Yona demanded. "What's the point? Your body has no sex appeal, Yona-hime." Hak said still munching on his food. 'Damn Hak, why you gotta insult your future lover like that.' I thought. "Just turn around." Yona said angrily. "Hak, just do as she said. Also stop insulting my sister like that. You guys are really a pain." I said while having my wrist in front of my mouth with my teeth pulling one side of the bandage with my left hand on the other to tighten the knot. "Yes! Everyone, look this way!" Kija yelled out of nowhere. "Anyways, what kind of place is Sensui like?" I asked Jae-Ha. "It's another harbor city like this one. Before it was a beautiful town for sightseeing, but now..." Jae-Ha was about to finish but a sudden 'Kya' was heard outside the door. Lili walked in with Shin-Ah while Yona put her yukata back on. "Lili!" Yona said. "How are your guy's wounds." Lili asked us. "It's not a big deal." Yona answered. "Yep, so don't worry about it." I said agreeing with Yona. "More importantly, how is Tetora?" Yona asked. "Tetora needs to stay in bed for now. Her life's not in danger anymore though." Lili told us while kneeling down. "Isn't that a relief." I said. "About that, I'm planning on bringing Tetora to Suiko. Oh, my house is in Suiko and I plan on letting her rest there." Lili told us. "Capital Suiko... It's definitely going to be safer there." Yona stated which I nodded in response. Yoon and Hak started talking about General of the Water Tribe which made me look at Lili and saw not a so great expression. I spoke up so we can change the topic, "Lili, we are planning to leave and go to Sensui." Lili looked at me. "Sensui?" She questioned. "Yep. Hiyou is doing business not here, he also has a business in Sensui." I told her. "Indeed, Sensui's public safety has been getting worse lately and I've heard that people can't do business there. That man is in Sensui..." Lili said. "The damage from Nadai is probably spread around just as badly, if not more compared to Shisen. We'll stop Hiyou no matter what. That must be the first stop to saving the Water Tribe." Yona said with determination. "So that's that. We are going to part ways now." I told her. "Mhm. But it'll be okay. We'll definitely drive them out of the Water Tribe. You need to quickly get to a safe place. Lili." Yona told her reassuringly. "We always got you involved in dangerous things, we are sorry." I said in which Yona nodded along with me agreeing.

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