Chapter 61

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Yumi's POV

We are currently walking in the forest until we came to a stop because of Yona. "Yona-hime. Is your leg alright?" Hak asked Yona who was supporting herself on a tree along with me supporting her another arm. "Y...yes. It's perfectly alright!" Yona said and stood up straight which suddenly make me let her go only for her to fall into Hak. 'Kyaa! I ship!' I thought as I stared at the scene until Yona got up again. "You see?!" Yona said with a flushed face. "No, I don't see. Should I carry you on my back?" Hak asked. "You should!" I shouted with a mischievous smile. "Nee-san! N-no! I'm fine!" Yona exclaimed. "Thunder Beast, we've been walking along Sei's border right? So are we in the Wind Tribe's territory now?" Yoon asked looking at us. "Yeah... We're at the very edge of it, but I guess we are." Hak replied. "The Wind Tribe! The land where Hak was raised right? There must be many beautiful women in your home village, right? Introduce me to them~!" Jae-Ha said. "I'm not going to the capital city of Fuuga. But if this is the WInd Tribe's territory, then that means we're not close to Sei, but to..." Hak then stopped talking probably sensing some people. "... Shin-Ah." Hak called to confirm it. Shin-Ah stared into the forest. "Yeah... Someone's watching us. From over there, I think." Shin-Ah said as he stared in that direction of the forest. 'Oh my, are we finally getting to this part of the story? I can't want to meet them!' I thought. As that one dude got spotted, he started to make a run for it until Jae-Ha jumped in front of them. "Hey there! Did you have some business with us?" Jae-Ha asked as he notices more people that were hiding. Kija then unleashed his dragon arm and stood behind Jae-Ha. Shin-Ah was reaching for his sword to prepare for a battle that is not gonna happen. "Oh? Looks like we have a bigger audience gathered than I realized. Look at them, gazing at us so passionately." Jae-Ha commented. "Who are you all?!" Kija questioned. "We have come from the country of Xing." One of them replied. He then continued, "Are you the monsters of Kouka Kingdom?"

That caused my group guard to go up after hearing that. "First you appear without warning, then you ask us if we're monsters? That's pretty rude if you ask me. After all, look how beautiful and good-looking we are!" Jae-Ha said. The person just stared and restated his question but adding another word, "Are you the beautiful monsters of Kouka?" Jae-Ha suddenly sparkles with happiness, "Are you asking for me?" Jae-Ha asked. "You're a pushover, droopy eyes." Hak commented. "Yeah, do you not feel shame calling our group beautiful?" I also commented though our group is good-looking. "Even if we are these beautiful monsters you speak of..." Jae-Ha started. "What business do you have with us?!" Kija finished. Then a person stepped out from the forest and slid down the hill. 'Oh my god... It's Vold! Finally!' I thought all excited. But him appearing just got everyone surrounding Yona and I because his presence is just different. The very next moment... the so called enemies kowtowed yelling "We surrender!" Let me tell you, the faces made by our group was just too funny. "...Huh?" Hak questioning what just happened. "Eh?" Yona who was also in shock. "Wait a second." Hak said. "We surren-!" They were about to shout again until Hak said, "No, really, even if you tell us that you're surrendering without a fight..." Vold raised his head and shout "Raise the white flaggg!" Okay... I don't think I can hold it in anymore. "Oh my... this is too funny. Hahahahahahah." I laughed. "We get it already! Geez what's with you guys?! Also stop laughing Yumi!" Hak yelled. "Hahaha... Sorry but this is just too... pft." I said as I try to contain my laughter. "Nee-san..." Yona called. "Sorry..." I said and put on my poker face. "Apologies for our rudeness... My name is Vold and I am a servant of the second princess of Xing, Princess Tao." Vold told us. "A princess of Xing?!" Yoon exclaimed. "I don't think we can trust people who hide their faces" Kija said as he expand his hand. "Eek! It's the real thing!! It's just like the rumors say! The monsters of Kouka Kingdom really do exist!" One shrieked. "So it's true, Kouka Kingdom is the land where monsters live!" Another one said.

"How come there are rumors about Kija and the others in Xing even though we've never visited." Yona questioned. "Citizens of our country were also taken and enslaved by the country of Sei. They were also at the construction of the forts. Everyone who returned told the stories. They said that Kouka Kingdom had a white haired monster who would violently swing about his giant claw and also a monster who could fly in the sky and had green grass growing out of its head." Vold explained. "Was there a monster like that there?" Kija questioned. "They're talking about you Kija." Jae-Ha replied as if he didn't talk about him. "And you too, you flying monster." Hak deadpanned. "We figured that of those rumors were true, then those powers must be godlike. And that's why we came to Kouka to search for you, in order to confirm the rumors." Vold continued. "I guess we've become pretty famous. So? Now that you've found us, what do you plan on doing next?" Jae-Ha asked. "Would you be willing to meet with Princess Tao?" Vold asked. "We refuse!!!" Kija bluntly yelled. "And that's that." Jae-Ha said while he clapped his hands together. "You see, we aren't some circus act for rich kids." Jae-Ha said. "I understand that you might have some reservations because this is so sudden... But please believe me when I said our Princess does not intend to treat you as merely a spectacle. And she also has no intention of harming any of you." Vold said while kneeling down and kowtowing again. "That just makes it all the more suspicious." Hak stated. "Please, we have no time." Vold starts as he takes of his mask and open his eyes. 'Hot... Wait... this is not the right moment to think that.' I thought shaking my head. "We wish for you to meet with the Princess for the sake of the futures of both our kingdoms." Vold said seriously. Everyone stood quiet while I just looked at the sky. 'Woah, a bird.' I thought. "Yumi." I heard Hak call me, kind of glad that he has gotten used to calling me without the 'hime' part in front of strangers. "Yes?" I answered while looking at him. "What do you think?" Hak asked. "Why are you asking me?" I asked. "Well your sister agreed while you were spacing out and looking at the sky." Hak bluntly stated. "I see, but if Yona agreed. What's the need of me agreeing?" I questioned. "Because you know what's best." Hak said. "I see... well... we have to go... As Vold said, it certainly does effect our kingdoms." I said with a sigh. "Thank you for understanding." Vold said bowing at me.

(Moments later)

At the moment we have arrived at the country of Xing at the town that is neared the border. "Shin-Ah, isn't it kind of hot?" Hak asked. "It's humid." Shin-Ah replied. "Please try not to look around too much. Try to act natural around people here. Though it may be a small town, it is still unsafe to rebel your nationality." I heard Vold say. I'm currently not with the group but I'm at a distance where I can still hear them. I'm literally in front of a random shop with food... specifically Shaokao which I hadn't had in quite a long time. "Oh, hello Ojou-chan. How can I help you?" The shop owner asked. "Um, can I have 2 chicken skewers and 2 lamb skewers?" I asked. "Sure! Coming right up!" The owner said as he cooked it up. "Where the heck is Yumi!?" I heard someone whisper yell. 'Sounds like Yoon... oops. But Shaokao is more important!' I thought. I felt a presence near me but didn't mind it. "Here you go! That'll be 30 rin." The owner said as he handed me the skewers. I was about to reach in my pouch until someone else paid for me which is the presence that suddenly appeared next to me earlier. "Here you go." Vold said. "Oh, how nice of you..." I said as I started to eat one of them. He then grabbed my arm and started to drag me back to the group. "Please don't wonder around. It would be bad if you get lost in a new country." Vold said. "Sorry~ Anyways, do you want one since you did pay for it." I offered. "It's fine. I dragged you guys here anyways, so it's on me." Vold said as we reached the group. "Yumi! Why the heck you just disappear like that? Also, what's with the food?!" Yoon exclaimed. "Yoon, relax..." I said trying to calm the 'mother' down. "Jeez, you just love to wander, don't you." Hak said as I proceed to finish eating everything, it was delicious.

"Yes! That panicked person right there was the ruler, Kushibi! With his fort in shambles and the two girls lined up for execution escaped. His minions fell one after another! They took down their spirits, bodies, and striped them of everything down to their ass-hairs!" We all heard someone yell. "Is that... The battle at Kushibi's fort? Turned into a theater play...?" Yona asked. "So that is why the rumors of the four dragons spread here." Kija said in awe. "And why did I feel like I heard myself in the story too..." I said. "Yeah... the execution part. Congratulations." Hak said sarcastically. I smacked his head and yelled shut up. "And that's when it appeared! Kouka Kingdom's white monster, the bearer of a sharp claw for a blade! Meow meow meowww!" The storyteller told while holding a white cat. "Pfff." We all laughed as Kija just stared blankly. "??? Is that suppose to be... me?" He questioned. We laughed louder. "Seems like it!" Jae-Ha replied while laughing. "The monster's sharp claws dug into the soldiers, taking them down after another! Without even realizing it, he has freed all of the slaves!" But the white monster's rampage still continues regardless!" The storyteller yelled. I went next to Kija and patted his shoulder. "Cheer up." I said with a straight face then started laughing again. "Hime! Just what part of that resembles me!?" Kija exclaimed. "It's actually so perfect." Hak laughed even more along with Jae-Ha. "Hold it right there you! What's with that play?! I don't like it one bit! Where do you get off talking about those Kouka monsters like heroes?! Are you trying to challenge Lady Kouren?!" A guy yelled and grabbed the storyteller's collar. "No, no at all..." He replied scared. "This skit was purely about the battle at Kushibi's fort, so it doesn't really have anything to do with Lady Kouren..." I heard one whispered. "Hush you! Any talks of Kouka Kingdom's victories will only lower or country's morale!" Someone yelled. "What's up with him?" Yoon asked.

Asa no Yumi (Akatsuki no Yona)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum