Chapter 59

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Yumi's POV

We are currently in the forest with me and Yona resting under a tree. "I'm fine already, so don't cry Kija." Yona said. "Wahhh, but... princesses, you guys are covered in wounds." Kija cried. "Thank you. Sorry for making you worry." Yona said. "Uuu, I... I couldn't do any." Kija cried more. "Kija, it's okay. We are all safe right now aren't we." I said. "Still... Yumi-hime... You were closed to getting hanged..." Kija said sadly. "Well... I could have escaped maybe... Let's drop that topic before you cry more..." I sighed. "Exactly, we know, Kija, now dry your tears and eat something. You too, Zeno! Stop lazing around. Come on, sit up." Yoon said while carrying blankets to the group. "Buuut when mister hugged me, I heard the sound of my bones shattering." Zeno said while laying on the blanket resting. "I heard that too~" Jae-Ha commented. "Well, I didn't hear anything..." I commented right after. "Eh, nee-san and Jae-Ha got a hug too?" Yona questioned surprised at that. "That's right. I wonder what's gotten into him, getting soft all of a sudden." Jae-Ha replied. "Maybe he was glad and thankful." I answered. "Wow, Hak did that..." Yona said in a daze. I took noticed of Yona's expression... maybe she is jealous, which might be a good thing since she will realize her feelings soon. Apparently Jae-Ha also took notice and decided to call out to Hak, "Haaak! Yona said she wants a hug too!" He shouted. "Eh?! Wai... Jae-Ha!! Why... why did you say that?!" Yona yelled all flustered. "Because it was written all over your face." Jae-Ha said smiling. "No it wasn't!" Yona yelled back. "It 100 percent was my dear sister." I smirked. "Nee-san!" Yona yelled. "What's that?" Hak asked. "You see, Yona..." Jae-Ha then stopped after Yona called him again. "Stop... that..." Yona said with a more flustered face. 'Aww... cute.' I thought staring at the situation happening next to me. "All right, I'll stop. you must be tired. Have a good rest." Jae-Ha said pulling a blanket over Yona. "Okay..." Yona said slowly falling asleep. She was then carried into the tent.

"Yumi, why don't you also go rest too." Jae-Ha said. "Nah, I fine." I said getting up. "Mou, you just like to push yourself." Jae-Ha complained. "Talk about yourself. Yoon, can I get something to eat?' I asked walking towards the the other people. "Oh, sure. Here you go." Yoon handed me a bowl. I sat down with Jae-Ha and Hak who proceeded to sit down next to me. "Mmmmm, delicious. Food after a rough day just taste good." I said while eating. "Aaha, I agree!" Zeno exclaimed while holding a sake bottle. "And I think you are getting a bit too drunk..." I sweat dropped. "Maa, maa. Being lively isn't a bad thing after what happened." Jae-Ha said. "True..." I said as I continue to eat. "Sorry... but I feel like I might break this liveliness with my question." Hak suddenly spoke up. "What question?" Yoon asked and everyone suddenly became quiet. "Remember how Yumi-hime said that something bad might happen to her?" Hak asked. 'Oh... I see where this is going...' I thought. "Uhmm. I remember that." Kija replied while Shin-Ah also nodded. "Hime-san... how did you know?" Hak asked all seriously. "Umm... because I'm a strategist?" I answered uncertainly. 'I can't just say that I know the plot...' "That does makes sense..." Jae-Ha said. "But still, that doesn't answer much." Hak pressed on. *Sighs* 'Got to make up something that sounds believable and true. What should I say...? Oh! I've got it.' I put my bowl down and looked at Hak with a seriously look that send shivers down his spines. "Hak, if you have seen me in a war you would surely understand why. But I have only been in one war and that one war brought fame on to me. Do you know why?" I asked, though I have been in more than one war back 2,000 years ago. "It's because you seen through the enemies strategies that were unknown and said to be unbeatable." Hak replied. "True, but that's not all." I said. "There's more to it?" Yoon asked. "Yep. Even if you know how to break through a tactic, there's a chance that it might be too late when you figured it out." I answered. "Are you saying that you predicted their tactic and prepared for it when they actually used it?" Hak asked surprised. "Something like that. When I'm serious about a situation, I could always plan around 20 steps ahead. That's how my mind works and why I could have this strategist title." I answered. "Sugoi... As expected of Yumi-hime!" Kija said impressed. "Does that answer your curiosity?" I asked Hak. "Yes... Yumi-hime really needs to tell me things that you know might happen. I hate being kept in the dark." Hak complained and everyone agreed with him. "Ah, you guys... I'll try..." I said. "What do you mean you'll try! If something dangerous is about to happen soon, you should warn all of us so we can at least prepare." Yoon said. "What Yoon said. We don't want you and Yona to be in danger." Jae-Ha said. "I understand how you guys feel, but somethings are not meant to be said." I complained with a pout. "How could you say that..." Kija complained. "Maa, minna. There are things that shouldn't be interfered with. Somethings are destined to be you know?" Zeno suddenly spoke with a smile. "What Zeno said... The Gods are watching..." I said while being thankful that Zeno is trying to help me out of the situation. "Well... if you say so..." Yoon said. "Maaa, it getting pretty late. You guys should go and sleep." I said to which they proceeded to go and rest.

(The Next Night)

We decided to stop by Lili's place before we continue on to our journey. Yona ran inside to the garden to visit Lili while we all stood outside waiting. "Yumi-hime, aren't you going to go in?" Hak asked. "Sorry, I'm not really interested in girl conversation... it's all about love anyway." I said while whispering the love part. "As expected of Yumi-hime, not girl like at all. At this rate no one will marry you~." Hak teased. "How dare you! I'm sure if I ask someone, they will surely say yes!" I yelled. "Oh yeah? Prove it." Hak smirked. 'This dude!' I thought. I looked around and looked at Jae-Ha, him being flirty and all might say yes. "Oh, don't even think about asking Droopy-eyes. He would say yes to any girls." Hak added. "Eh~ So mean aren't you Hak." Jae-Ha complained. "Well, it's true." Yoon said bluntly which made Jae-Ha depressed. I then looked at Zeno... I think it might work if I ask him... "Zeno, if I ask you to marry me, would you?" I asked staring at him. Everyone proceeded to stare at Zeno. "So, Zeno, what's your answer?" Hak asked. Zeno stared at me and smiled... a genuine smile... "Of course Zeno would! Yumi is kind, smart, cute, pretty, brave, and can do many things! Who wouldn't marry a girl like her?" Zeno replied happily. "Stop... I feel like I would be honestly embarrassed by those compliments..." I said knowing that he actually mean it. "Aw~ Yumi could get embarrassed too~" Jae-Ha teased. "Shut up! See Hak, there is someone who is willing to marry me!" I exclaimed. "Tch, you're just lucky. Zeno has seen many things in his lifetime, so he wouldn't mind." Hak said. "Mou, mister and Yumi don't argue anymore. Also stop mentioning Zeno's age." Zeno complained.

"Anyways, it's about time we depart. Hak, let's go get Yona." I said and walked in with Hak following behind me. "Yona-hime." Hak called. "Kyaaa!" Yona and Lili screamed. "Oh my... did we come at a bad time. Are you afraid we heard something we are not suppose to...? Or more like..." I stared at Hak with a smirk. "I don't know what you are talking about!" Lili yelled while Yona nodded along figuring out what I was implying. "Anyways.. it's about time to head back." Hak said not caring about what's going on. "R-right, I'm ready. All right them, we're off, Lili!" Yona said. "Ah, Yona...! Come again, all right?" Lili said. Yona smiled while waving and then walked out. Hak and I were about to follow until Lili called us. "Wait, Yumi. Hak." Hak and I turned around looking at Lili. "Hak, thanks for saving me, back at the gallows..." Lili said. "No problem. I'm glad you're all right. You too, I heard you protected Yona-hime. I deeply appreciated it." Hak said. "But of course. Yona is important to me too you know. Also... I feel like as I didn't do much since I feel like I was being a drag to Yumi." Lili said. "No you weren't Lili. It's been a while since I have seen another girl like you, being so brave and willing to protect your friend at the risk of your own life." I complimented. "True that." Hak said with a smile and Lili just stared at him. "Ah! Wait a moment. Ayura, bring that out." Lili commanded. "Yes." Ayura replied and brought out a hug bag. "Ooh!" Hak got the bag. "It's a present. Take it with you." Lili told him. "Ahaha, thank you for your care as always!" Hak said with a closed eye smile. "Also this." Lili handed me a katana and a pouch. "Oh, my weapons! I thought I would never get them back." I happily grabbed them and equipped it on. Lili then handed Hak a pouch and a dagger. "This is...?" Hak questioned. "That's what was taken from Yona back in Sei Kingdom. We recovered it. We did a rough check of the contents and there were two really high quality hairpins in there. That must be Yona's right? Could you return it to her?" Lili said. Hak opened it and pulled out a box staring at. "... Yeah, thanks." Hak said with a hint of sorrow. I grabbed his shoulder, "Hak, I know how you feel... But let's hurry up and go... They are waiting." I whisped. He nodded and we proceeded to leave. "Yumi, you better visit!" Lili yelled to which I replied without turnng back, a two finger salute that I have seen many cool people done in anime... Don't question it.

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