Chapter 38

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Yumi's POV

I woke up to fine that it was early in the morning. I looked to my right to only find Yona was still sleeping. "Oh, looks like you are awake. Now I don't need to wake you up." Hak said who has his knees on Jae-Ha's face. "Yep, now let's get Yona up." I said. I moved my hand and gently shake her while Hak was calling her. Yona suddenly get up, "I'm so sorry! Did I oversleep?!" Yona asked in a panic. "No, but it's almost daybreak." Hak replied who still has his knees on Jae-Ha's head. "Hak... You're stepping on me..." Jae-Ha said weakly. "Don't say that Jae-Ha. I was pretty sure that you liked to be stepped on." I joked which only made him whine. "So, Hak. Has the Sen Province army attacked yet?" I asked. "Actually, the area surrounding the gates in the capital have been blocked off for normal citizens. There hasn't been any new information coming in." Hak reported. "I see..." I said slowly. "It's definitely unsettling quiet now." Yoon said tiredly since he just woke up. "If only we could find out what's happening on the outside... What if the fight has already reached the capital..." Yona said. "Well then, I'll take a look." Jae-Ha announced. "Oh right! Jae-Ha can jump." Yoon said suddenly remembering Jae-Ha's power. "Ryokuryuu! Bring me with you! Zeno's bored!" Zeno said hopping on to Jae-Ha back. "Little children should still be asleep." Jae-Ha stated rustling Zeno's hair. "Yeah Zeno. Children should still be asleep." I said teasing him while dragging him off Jae-Ha's back. "Yumi, don't tease me about my age." Zeno whined while pouting. Jae-Ha was about to go when Yona called him. "Jae-Ha. Wait a second." Jae-Ha turned and face Yona, "What's wrong? Want to come with me?" Jae-Ha asked happily. "Yes, please take-" Yona was about to but say to Shin-Ah but Jae-Ha suddenly said "Fine with me!" I took that as a signal that he agreed to what Yona was about say and went to Shin-Ah and then tossed him in Jae-Ha's arm. "Eh? What? What's this? What is this?" Jae-Ha questioned clearly surprised. "Take Shin-Ah with you." I said. "I see... if you take Shin-Ah with you, his eyes will definitely be convenient." Yoon stated. "Shin-Ah, be sure to fulfill your duty!" Kija told him. "Jae-Ha, my bro. Don't forget to hold him tightly. If it were me, I'd shoot them down. Two large men with one holding the other princess-style..." Hak said. "Haha! This is too funny. Now have a good trip, you two." I said waving them off.

(Little Time Skip)

I heard the door opened and looked over there to see them both back. "Ah, they've returned." Yoon said. "So, guys. How was it is." I asked, "It looks like the situation is going in strange direction." Jae-Ha stated. We all sat and listened to what Jae-Ha has to say. "General Soo-Jin's been defeated?!" Yona exclaimed. "They're currently requesting for reinforcements and they are on the run." Jae-Ha reported. "What's the military situation between the Saika troops and Sen Province army?" Yona asked. "About that..." Jae-Ha trailed off but then answered anyway. "There's no battle taking place?!" Yoon exclaimed. "Well, it's probably because the Sen Province army isn't attacking. Probably just staring each other down at the Saika Gates." I explained. "I thought it was too quiet, but this is..." Yoon said worried at about the situation. "However. the Sen Province army was continuously breaching gates. To stop attacking here is..." Kija said trailing off. "I wonder if it is as what Nee-san said. Like it is some sort of plan." Yona stated. "Shin-Ah, how many troops were in the Sen Province army?" I decided to answer that, "According to my calculations, it's probably around 2,000 seeing how the situation is playing out." I said. "Like Yumi said... around 2,000." Shin-Ah replied. "2,000!" Hak shouted. "Hak?" Yona questioned. "According to the information I got from the back alleys, Li Hazara is leading a force of 10,000 men. To come with only 2,000 to attack the Fire Tribe's center, Saika Castle..." Hak explained. "I heard that Kan Soo-Jin led a large army out of the area. Didn't Li Hazara divert a large portion of his army to fight that army?" Kija asked. "That point also bothers me..." Hak said. "What does?" Kija asked him. "...Well..." Hak started off then giving a brief explanation of what the situation was like. We then had continuous chat of the situation that was happening until Yona spoke up. "Yoon, is there a way we can leave here?" Yona asked. "Huh?" Yoon asked. "We will go out and scatter the 2,000 soldiers outside of Saika." Yona said seriously. "Wow, such a brilliant idea. Let's do it." I said. "What are you saying, Yumi, Yona?!" Yoon yelled. He then turned to Hak to only find him smirking, "Thunder Beast, is this the right occasion to be smirking?!" Yoon yelled. "Leave it to us, Princesses!" Kija shouted happily showing his Dragon Hand. Yona gaves a wonderful speech to the group and I was just thinking how much she has grown. "But it we cause such a disturbance..." Yoon said in a worried tone. "It's fine. Stop worrying to much." I told him. "It will be fine as long as we pose as bandits." Kija said in an evil tone. "I guess it means the Dark Dragon and The Hungry Bunch will make an appearance." Jae-Ha said with a smirk. "Since Zeno became friends with a bunch of people in the slums, they told me a secret passage that leads outside." Zeno announced happily. "When did you do that?!" Yoon said. "Good job Zeno! I just know that I can depend on you." I said giving him a thumbs up. After a little moment of Yona and Yoon, we finally decided that it was time to go. "Yumi!" Yoon called. "Hmm?" I said turning to face him. "You better come back safe. You are fighting with them right?" Yoon asked. I smiled, "Don't worry about me. I will be perfectly fine." I said.

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