Chapter 60

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Yumi's POV

(The Next Morning)

"Ahhh... It's too early in the morning..." I complained and yawn. "Mou, you should learn how to wake up early in the morning. You are exactly one of the people who can help me with things." Yoon said. "I'm too old for this..." I complained. "You are only 2 years older than me!" Yoon exclaimed. "*sighs* Only if you know..." I said tiredly. Hak then walked out of the tent. "Thunder Beast, good morning. You're up early." Yoon said. "Zeno kicked me and I woke up." Hak said while rubbing his head. "Oof, that must be rough." I said. "I guess five huge guys in that tent is pretty tough after all... Do you want to switch with me?" Yoon asked, meaning that he will be sleeping with Yona. A long pause later, "... No, I'd better not." Hak answered. "That was a long pause." Yoon said. "Or you can sleep on the tree branch." I suggested with no care in the world. "I'm not like you who likes to sleep on trees." Hak said. "Or you are just afriad that the branch will snap with your weight." I smirked. "Ah...... It's too early for this Yumi-hime... Anyways, Yoon, here." Hak said handing the pouch and dagger to Yoon. "Oh? Yona's belongings. So you found them." Yoon received the things. "Lili told me she recovered them for us. Give them back to the princess for me." Hak said. "Okay, got it." Yoon proceeded to put them in his bag. "I guess I'll go gather some wild plants." Yoon said and ran off. "Say, Hak. Want to do some morning exercise with me?" I questioned while pulling out my katana. "Oh? Sure." Hak smirked and got his Guandao.

(Moments later)

"Waaaagh! Thunder Beast! Yumi!" A called was heard. Hak and I stopped our sparring and looked at Yoon. "Hm?" Hak said. "Did something happen?" I asked. "Ah! Ah! Um, what should I do?! I dropped that bag with Yona's belongings into a ditch by accident...!" Yoon explained. Hak ran off after hearing that. Everyone was currently gathered outside the tent. "You dropped something?" Jae-Ha asked. We were now all gathered at the ditch where Yoon dropped it except for Yona and Zeno who said he was going to say behind and distract Yona. "There is a light purple pouch..." Shin-Ah said looking at the tree branch. "Stuck in a tree, eh?" Jae-Ha said. "Sorry... I guess I didn't fit it into my bag properly... What should we do? There were two really beautiful hairpins in there right?" Yoon said with regret. "Yoon, don't feel bad." I said patting his back. "Yeah, it's all right. Don't worry about it. Don't tell the princess. I'll get the pouch back." Hak said. "Okay, but why not?" Yoon asked. "If  Yona-hime found out, she'd tell us not to risk ourselves just to get it." Hak answered. "Ah... That's true. But... it's something important to Yona, isn't it?" Yoon asked. "Yeah... I suppose. It's something... important to her." Hak replied with that expression again. "Shin-Ah, would you go back and keep Yona busy?" Jae-Ha requested. Shin-Ah nodded and went back. "Now then. How are we going to retrieve it?" Jae-Ha wonderer. "Leave it to me!" Kija exclaimed and expand his claws. "Kija?" Jae-Ha literally questioned his actions. Kija is currently holding to the edge of the cliff with Jae-Ha grabbing his arm to make sure he doesn't fall as Kija tries to reach for the pouch. "I... can't reach it. Jae-Ha, how about using your legs?" Kija asked looking at him. "Use them? What do you mean...?" Jae-Ha asked. "I can make my arm enormous, so if you were to focus all your power into one explosive moment, you should be able to extend your legs and make them enormous, should you not?" Kija explained. "If I did that it wouldn't be pretty and I'd never have enough pairs of shoes." Jae-Ha said. "In other words, you could do it if you wanted to, right?" Kija asked readying to take off Jae-Ha's shoes. "What's that? Hey, take off your shoes for a second." Hak said trying to take off Jae-Ha's shoes. "What are y... Sto..!" Jae-Ha complained. "Show us, show us!" Yoon also joined in the fun. "You guys, wait a... ahhhhhh!" Jae-Ha screamed. "Okay... guys stop..." I said facepalming. Everyone stopped and Jae-Ha was now at the side sulking. "I've been... defiled..." Jae-Ha said. "Argh, you're so...!" Kija being done with him. "He takes off his clothes like it's nothing, yet he obstinately refuses when it comes to his shoes..." Hak stated staring at him. "What a troublesome pervert." Yoon said blankly. "Maybe we should just sell him to some Red-Light District." I said boredly.

"I'll climb down." Hak said looking down. "Would't it be better for me to go?" Jae-Ha asked. "The ground it unstable here. Even you wouldn't be able to jump off of it. Also, if I don't get that back..." Hak begins. "Is the two hairpins important to you as well, Hak?" Jae-Ha asked. "No... Well for one of it... Honestly, I wanna smash it." Hak said. "Eh? That one hairpin couldn't possibly be... a present from King Soo-Won or something like that... right?" Yoon asked. "Heh... You're right..." I said with no emotions. "...Is it really? What the heck... Why did Yona... keep that hairpin... I wonder... was Yona... in love with King Soo-Won?" Yoon asked. At that moment, everyone just stood there shocked expect Hak and I. "There's no need for you to push yourself and retrieve it, Thunder Beast! I'll go tell Yona what happened and apologize!" Yoon yelled. Hak just patted him on the head and then stared at me. "There's another hairpin which was made by Yumi-hime for Yona-hime's birthday." Hak said. "You honestly don't need to care about that. I could just make another one." I said. "But it took quite a while for you to make it." Hak said then went to climb down the cliff. We all stared down and watched Hak as he reached for the pouch. But before he could reach it, the pouch dropped and Hak jumped reaching for the pouch. "Hak!" Everyone screamed. Hak who felled into the water with his head above water didn't move and just proceeded to get swept away. 'Brooo!? Stop being in your thoughts about the past and climb up!" I thought which that got interrupted as Yoon and Kija also jump into the water. "Excuse you guys?! What the heck are you guys jumping in there for?!" I exclaimed. "Oh my, these guys just really know how to cause problems for me." Jae-Ha said. "I'll go get Yoon. Kija is up to you." I said as I proceeded to jumped down also. "Wai-" Jae-Ha said but was too late as I heard him complain while jumping in.

(Moments later)

We were now back at the area where we sent up our tent. Yoon, me, Hak, Jae-Ha, and Kija were sitting on the ground all wet. "Eh? You all played around in the water?" Yona asked staring at us. "Yeah." Yoon replied with everyone agreeing. "I would've liked to see that...!" Yona exclaimed. "Seeing you all like this, it's like you're a bunch of kids!" Zeno said happily while crouching next to Kija. "Though, I've never expected nee-san to also join in." Yona said looking at me. "No, you got the wrong idea. I was forcefully dragged in there..." I made up. "Hehe... The river water must have been cold! Wait just a moment, I'll start up the fire." Yona said walking off. "Jeez... You dumb Thunder Beast, you made us panic. Falling into the river and getting swept away..." Yoon complained. "I got lost in my thoughts for a bit." Hak replied as he squeeze his outer coat to get the water out. "I thought you were dead!" Kija said. "Seriously. Try not to do that again, will you, Hak?" Jae-Ha complained while trying to squeeze the water out of his hair. "For real. Something is wrong with you." I said while taking of my outer kimono. "In any case, you guys didn't have to jump into the river too. Especially you, Yumi-hime." Hak said. "We wouldn't have it you have just climbed back up!" Yoon yelled while Shin-Ah handed Kija a towel and then proceeded to dry Yoon's hair with a towel. "You were slolwy floating downstream with just your head above the water!" Kijia yelled. "Think about how Yumi and I felt since we had to jump in to save Yoon and Kija who fell in at the same time." Jae-Ha complained while having his hair wiped by Zeno. "For real, if you two can't swim... Don't jump in..." I complained. "Yumi, here let me dry your hair." Zeno said after he finished Jae-Ha. "Oh thanks." I said as Zeno undid my braid and proceeded to wipe my hair with a towel. "Oh! What about the pouch?" Yoon asked. "Ah, it's right he-" *Snap* A snapped was heard from the pouch Kija was holding. Hak and I just stared... "Did you hear a "snap" just now?!" Yoon asked with panic. "AHHH! The box is cracked!!!" Kija screamed while holding the box. "Kija, you didn't just break...?" Jae-Ha asked with panic. "Thank goodness! The contents are fine!" Yoon cried while staring inside the box. "This is bad for my heart..." Jae-Ha said and covered his face and sighed. "Pfff! Haha! You guys... are so... worked up... Ahh, I don't even have time to be lost in though..." Hak said holding his head. "Truely... this is too funny." I chuckled. "This is no time to be laughing Yumi-hime! Hak! It's soaked!" Kija said. "Don't worry, I'll wipe it dry. Seriously... Yumi and Yona has some painful memories... Don't you and Yona? When I think about you and her pain, it's almost unbearable." Yoon said. "It's alright now Yoon. With everyone here, it's become more bearable. I'm sure Yona thinks that too." I said with a soft smile. "Mhmm. But I'll return this to it's owner. What becomes of that hairpin is up to Yona to decide. You're okay with that, right, Thunder Beast?" Yoon asked. "Everyone! I heated up some water, so go warm yourselves." Yona said as she ran over. "Okay!" Everyone replied.

Asa no Yumi (Akatsuki no Yona)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora